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Escuela Argentina de Negocios

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1 Escuela Argentina de Negocios
Food and Nutrition Security in the Americas: A view from the Academies of Science Eduardo Bianchi Escuela Argentina de Negocios IANAS - IAP World Science Forum Jordan, November 8th, 2017

2 Food and Nutrition Security in the Americas:
Inter-American Network of Academies of Science (IANAS) – IAP. Academies of Science of 21 countries: 230 scientists and experts from different scientific fields. Countries assessments from Canada to Chile and Argentina. From 2015 to 2017. Summary of key elements of countries reports.

3 The Americas: From the Arctic to the Antarctic.
28% of land area of the earth and 14% of world population (950 million). Heterogeneous region: Big countries and very small ones. Diverse climates, topographies, agricultural practices, economic development and STI systems. Abundance of natural resources. Big net food exporters countries and also many net food importers.

4 Major challenges: Although big progress, severe food insecurity in Latin America = 40 million. Poverty continues to be important. USA - Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean. Malnutrition, food insecurity and obesity coexist. Environmental degradation: water and soil contamination, massive deforestation. Climate change: vulnerability of The Caribbean and Central America. Small agricultural producers coexist with sophisticated agricultural production chains.

5 Key role of Science, Technology and Innovation:
Increase productivity with environmental sustainability. Integration of robotics and big data for more efficient management. More efficient use of water. Improve approaches to pests and diseases. National agricultural research systems in the region is very diverse. Limited capacities. Human resources, infrastructure and financing are needed. Intra-regional and international cooperation. Agricultural research agenda on climate change.

6 The way forward: Specific policy agenda from the countries reports.
Cooperative approach to: Importance of STI for agriculture. Relevance of overweight and obesity. Relationship between poverty and food and nutrition security. The role of international trade and trade policies. Improve the ability to feed and nourish itself, while making a substantial contribution to the food supplies available to the rest of the world.

7 Thanks!!

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