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The Western Front.

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1 The Western Front

2 By the end of this lesson everybody will be able to…
Recall key terms and details about the Western Front Explain the developments in technology and their impact Evaluate the impact of the Western Front on WWI

3 Key Terms: Define the following terms
Trench warfare ‘Over the Top’ Front line Patriotism Comradeship Trench Foot Lice Camouflage Artillery Bombardment Shell Mines Infantry Shrapnel Sappers Poison gas Machine guns

4 Tasks Activity- 5 Questions P218
Produce a diagram to illustrate how an attack on trench would take place Add details to this diagram of changes made to improve the chances of success (‘Over the top’ paragraph p219)

5 Conditions in the Trenches
Battle of the Somme Read A soldiers life P Using the details here and from the you tube clips to produce a mind map about conditions. Write positives and negatives in different colours.

6 Technology of War Tanks WWI

7 Technology of War Produce Top Trump Cards for the different technologies used in WWI: Artillery Machine Guns Poison Gas Tanks Aircraft For each one give details of what they did and how effective they are; give scores for each one for: Defence; Attack; Fear Factor; Technological; Improvement

8 Key Battles Verdun From Feb 1916, German tactic of attrition aimed at wearing down the resistance of France their allies. By July 700,000 men were killed and the French army was at the point of breaking, Germany was weakened but had greater resources than the French. The Somme The British to relieve the pressure on the French launched an offensive in the Somme. This was a costly and controversial battle. The British suffered 57,000 casualties on the 1st day and had lost 1.25 million men by November 1916. Look at details and sources on page 227: Did the British Generals do a bad job? Was the Somme a failure?

9 Battle of Passchendaele
Also known as the Third Battle of Ypres Bad weather caused massive problems especially around the village of Passchendaele, where British troops got stuck in the mud. Britain and allies lost 250,000 men and the German side even more included 10,000 when mines were denoted at Messines

10 Impact of the Western Front
There was little movement on the Western Front The fighting took place in France and Belgium Do you think that the Western Front impacted on the result of the War?

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