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TKAM Chs. 5-10 Vocabulary Sample Sentences.

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1 TKAM Chs Vocabulary Sample Sentences

2 Day One 1- Often times, aberrations in fashion at school will get made fun of, but in the fashion world, these differences often make you unique, and therefore, a trendsetter. 2- Hopefully, if you saw someone accosted by another student, you would get a teacher immediately for help. 3- Many times teenagers appear aloof about their grades when they really care a lot. 4- Moving into a new city is analogous to moving to a new high school; both things are scary, and require time to adjust. 5- The benevolence of the police officer who gave his coat and shoes to the homeless man earned him immediate fame.

3 Day Two 6- Many times in class you are asked to work with your contemporaries on assignments. 7- When people get old, their bodies can become feeble. 8- Camouflage clothing is used by soldiers at war to make them inconspicous to their enemies. 9- My students often have ingenious ideas; they just don’t often say them out loud! 10- Some people think being a coroner is a morbid occupation.

4 Day Three 11- Men used to feel obliged to open a door for a women. This was called chivalry. It is not as prevalent anymore. 12- The young man liked to fight other students without any provocation which worried his parents and his teachers. 13- Many students are initially tacit when they enter high school because they think it is respectful to be quiet. Eventually, they find their voice though! 14- Animal abuse is something that is unfathomable to me. I will never understand how anyone can injure an innocent animal. 15- To be able to whittle wood into shapes is an art form which not many people have a talent at.

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