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Linux Start Sequence Summary

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1 Linux Start Sequence Summary

2 Linux Startup The compressed version of the kernel is loaded into memory. Look in /boot for kernel uname –a will show the kernel version The kernel expands and begins to run

3 Linux Startup The initrd process is loaded and begins to run
This process acts as a memory based file system before the actual HD is mounted. Several special processes are started Drivers are loaded for some hardware devices including the root file system.

4 Linux Startup The process init is started, PID = 1.
init reads the inittab file: /etc/inittab inittab defines the boot level The rc.sysinit script is run: /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit The rc script is run: /etc/rc.d/rc

5 Linux Startup The rc script starts the services for the specified runlevel: rc 5 Runlevels 0 = shutdown 1 = single user mode 2= multi user mode 3 = level 2 + networking 5 = level 3 + X windows (for the GUI) 6 = restart

6 Linux Startup The startup directories and files are found in /etc
/etc/rc.d rcN.d where n = the runlevel rc.sysinit rc /etc/init.d

7 Linux Startup There are a series of symbolic links in the /etc/rc.d/rcN.d The links are connected to the actual services started during the startup procedure. KxxserviceName (kill service) SxxserviceName (start service) Where xx is a two digit field

8 Linux Startup The actual startup script for anavailable service is in /etc/init.d Create a link from /etc/rc.d/rcN.d to the desired service in /etc/ini.d, to start the service during boot. Manual start of a service: service serviceScriptName [start|stop|restart]

9 How to manually start a service
su – root Enter the root password cd /etc/init.d service ./serviceScriptName start Example: service ./smb start (starts Samba)

10 Stop a service Login as root cd /etc/init.d
service ./serviceScriptName stop

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