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5.3 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

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1 5.3 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

2 I. City Conditions urbanization- movement of people to cities
The industrial middle class- entrepreneurs made this new bourgeoisie Merchants Inventors Artisans Rags to Riches- rising from poor to middle class or rich

3 Industrial Landscape

4 I. City Conditions cont. Industrial working class- lived in slums, usually in tiny rooms in “tenements” Tenements- multi-story buildings divided into apartments, no water or sewage Labor Unions-worker organizations were illegal Workers formed secret groups and rioted Workers also found comfort in Methodism a movement started by John Wesley Stressed a personal sense of faith

5 II. Life in the Factories and Mines
Factory workers 12-16 hour days Hard labor Accidents common (lose a finger) Most were women at first

6 II. Life in the Factories and Mines cont.
Miners have worse conditions Work in darkness Dangers of explosives and heavy equipment Children have dangerous jobs Started 7 or 8 some as young as 5 Bad conditions Factory Acts- reduced work day to 12 hours Remove children under the age of 8

7 III. Not All Bad In time reforms were passed
Labor Unions won the right to bargain Working class men get right to vote Wages would rise

8 Pros/Cons


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