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Jefferson’s Presidency cont.

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1 Jefferson’s Presidency cont.
Dreadful second term


3 FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!! GB & France at war w/ each other AGAIN!!
Both are seizing our ships!! GB navy was short on recruits so GB began a policy of impressments Kidnap sailors from USA ships and forced them to join British military

4 ATTACK!!! In June 1807 USS Warship Chesapeake was attacked by GB!!!
Ended up killing 3 Americans!! Took 4 sailors!!!

5 Questions How can we avoid war?
Is it in our best interest to avoid war with Great Britain and/or France? Who would you support?

6 Embargo Act 1807 Still trying to avoid war
Gov’t ban on trade w/ other countries that impress our sailors Hurt USA more than other countries 1807 exports $108 million 1808 exports 22 million Federalists discuss secession!!! (Northerns!!!) Anti-embargo protests Prez. Jefferson very unpopular!!! Americans lose confidence in gov’t


8 Presidential Election of 1812

9 NEW PRESIDENT!! Yay!!!! James Madison (1809-1817) Becomes 4th prez
Democratic-Republican Party Had to clean up Jefferson’s mess

10 How to fix economy? Passed Macon’s Bill No.2
Agreed to trade with France or GB who ever stop impressment & honor USA as neutral France agreed, GB did not Began to trade with France again Make GB mad Their losing $

11 WAR HAWKS!! Congressmen; born in US; from South and West
Henry Clay Congressmen; born in US; from South and West Supported war against Britain Why? War Hawks see the war as a way to expand west and gain land Wanted to get rid of the N.A John C. Calhoun


13 Tecumseh: tried to organize tribes to work together against white settlers (1805)
Don’t sell your land, don’t drink the fire water, don’t copy white customs, etc.

14 Battle of Tippecanoe 1811 Prophet: led an attack against American troops led by W.H. Harrison Tecumseh told him not to attack while he was away…he did anyway Prophet gave his warriors “magic water” The Indians lost the battle and the confederation fell apart; but many Indians then fought on the side of the British in the War of 1812


16 Fought against Britain in 1812-1814 Called Mr. Madison’s War
WAR OF 1812 Fought against Britain in Called Mr. Madison’s War

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