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Risultati e Prospettive dell’EsperimentoTOTEM

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1 Risultati e Prospettive dell’EsperimentoTOTEM
Giuseppe Latino (Firenze University & INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration) SIF 2015 Roma – September 24, 2015 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 1/27

2 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM
Overview TOTEM physics programme TOTEM LHC LHC-Run I TOTEM physics results TOTEM upgrade programme Summary 2/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

3 TOTEM @ CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
- Total Cross Section - Elastic Scattering - Diffractive Dissociation Beam 1 Proton – Proton Collisions Beam 2 CMS TOTEM IP5 LHC b IP2 IP8 LHC f MoEDAL ALICE IP1 LHC - p-p collisions at s up to 14 TeV - Linst up to ~ 1034 cm-2s-1 - started in Fall experiments ATLAS SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 3/27

4 TOTEM Physics Program Overview
Stand-Alone - TOTpp with a precision ~ 1-2%, simultaneously measuring (L ind. meth.): Nel down to -t ~10-3 GeV2 and Ninel with losses < 3% - Elastic pp scattering in the range 10-3 < |t| ~ (p)2 < 10 GeV2 - Soft diffraction (SD and DPE) - Particle flow in the forward region (cosmic ray MC validation/tuning) CMS-TOTEM (CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR, CERN/LHCC /G-124) - Soft and hard diffraction in SD and DPE (production of jets, bosons, h.f.) - Central exclusive particle production - Low-x physics - Particle and energy flow in the forward region 4/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

5 LHC, inelastic collisions
CMS/TOTEM Program M Double Pomeron Exchange Double Diffraction Single Diffraction Elastic Scattering ~ 60 mb ~ 25 mb ~ 10 mb ~ 5 mb ~ 1 mb << 1 mb @ 7 TeV (MC) Charged particles Energy flux TOTEM+CMS dE/dh dNch/dh Roman Pots T1,T2 LHC, inelastic collisions CMS CMS + TOTEM  largest acceptance detector ever built at a hadron collider: the large  coverage and p detection on both sides allow the study of a wide range of physics processes in diffractive interactions G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 5/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15

6 Three Methods for T Measurement
Optical Theorem:  =  (from Compete) COMPETE Coll. [PRL 89, (2002)] (~ ln2 s ) T 1) Elastic Scattering + Inelastic Scattering + L : no dependence on ρ 2) Elastic Scattering + L + Optical Th.: no dependence on Ninel 3) Elastic Scattering + Inelastic Scattering + Optical Th.: L -independent Proper tracking acceptance in very forward region required: elastically scattered p detection mandatory 6/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

7 Angular divergence @ IP: Minimal reachable |t|:
Elastic Scattering Cross Section LHC Diffractive structure Photon - Pomeron interference   Multigluon (“Pomeron”) exchange  e– B |t| Wide range of predictions; big uncertainties at large |t|.  Importance of measuring whole |t| range with good statistics  t  p2 2 Angular IP: * = (/*) Beam IP: * = (*) Minimal reachable |t|: |tmin| = n2p2/* pQCD  |t|–k Allowed |t| range depends on beam optics (special high *– lowL runs required for low |t|) and on proton detector approach to the beam SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 7/27

8 Inelastic Telescopes:
TOTEM Detector IP5 of LHC (Same of CMS) T1:3.1 << 4.7 T2: 5.3 <  < 6.5 Inelastic Telescopes: reconstruction of tracks and interaction vertex; trigger capability with acceptance > 95 % T1: mrad T2: mrad h = - log(tg(/2)) Detectors on both sides of IP5 CMS HF HF ~14 m 10.5 m T1 T2 RP220 (RP147) ZDC Elastic Detectors (Roman Pots): reconstruction of elastically scattered and diff. p Active area up mm from beam: 5-10 rad 8/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

9 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM
TOTEM Detectors hit  10 µm Package of 10 “edgeless” Si-detectors Vertical Pot Horizontal Pots RP 147 T2 (GEMs) hit  100 µm T1 (CSCs) hit  1 mm SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 9/27

10 Proton Transport from IP5 to RP Location
ydet y* IP5 y* RP220 220m beam axis scattered proton beam-optical elements (magnets) Optical functions: L (effective length), v (magnification), D (machine dispersion) - Describe the explicit path of particles through the magnetic elements as a function of the particle parameters at IP - Define t and -range (acceptance) - Depend on LHC machine optics configuration RP IP5 Measured in RP Reconstructed Proton transport matrix With:  = p/p; t = tx + ty; ti ~ -(pi*)2 (x, y): vertex position at RP location (s) (x*, y*): vertex position at IP (x*,y*): emission angle at IP (x measured with  5m lever arm spectrometer)  Elastic proton kinematics reconstruction (x*,y*) (for b* = 90 RP220m: Ly = 263 m, vy  0, Lx  0, vx = -1.9 ): Excellent optics determination ( 0.25% using constraints from proton tracks in RPs, New J. Phys. 16 (2014) ) and detector alignment required SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 10/27

11 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM
Elastic Scattering Cross Section 7 TeV Data taking in various LHC configurations and different RP detector approach to the beam allowed the measurement in a wide range of |t|: 5· GeV2 Data Set β*(m) RP approach (beam ) Lint (µb-1) |t|- range (GeV2) Elastic events Reference 1 90 4.8 – 6.5 83 5·10-3 – 0.4 1M EPL 101 (2013), 21002 2 10 1.7 0.02 – 0.33 15K EPL 96 (2011), 21002 3 3.5 7 6.1·103 0.36 – 2.5 66K EPL 95 (2011), 41001 4 18 2.3·106 2 – 3.5 10K Ongoing SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 11/27

12 del/d|t| Measurement @ 7 TeV: Results
A = 506  23.0syst  0.9stat mb/GeV2 A = 504  26.7syst  1.5stat mb/GeV2 B = 19.9  0.27syst  0.03stat GeV-2 |t|dip= 0.53 GeV2 ~ |t|-7.8 None of the theoretical models really fit the data EPL 95 (2011) 41001 EPL 96 (2011) 21002 EPL 101 (2013) 21002 Analysis ongoing on additional data set (2 GeV2 < |t| < 3.5 GeV2) Integrated elastic cross-section: El = El, Meas. + El, Extr. (L from CMS, with 4% unc.) el = 25.4 ± 1.0lumi ± 0.3syst ± 0.03stat mb (91% directly measured) el = 24.8 ± 1.0lumi ± 0.7syst ± 0.2stat mb (67% directly measured) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 12/27

13 Direct inel Measurement @ 7 TeV: inel = Ninel /L
MX > 3.4 GeV/c2 (TOTEM) x/sSD dsSD/dx SIBYLL / PYTHIA8 QGSJET-II-4 low mass contribution S. Ostapchenko arXiv: v2 [hep-ph] MX > 15.7 GeV/c2 (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS) Impact of Low-Mass diffraction: Extrapolation to low MX region: main source of systematic uncertainty on inel Minimal MX depends on maximal || coverage: lower MX reachable  minimal model dependence on corrections for low mass diffraction TOTEM (T1+T2: 3.1 < || < 6.5) gives an unique forward charged particle LHC  direct measurement of inel with lower sys. unc.  constraint on low mass diffraction cross-section Experiment inel (mb) ALICE (model)  2.6 (exp) ATLAS 69.1  6.9 (model)  2.4 (exp) CMS 68.0  4.0 (model)  3.1 (exp) LHCb 66.9  4.4 (model)  2.9 (exp) TOTEM 73.7  1.5 (model)  2.9 (exp) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 13/27

14 T , el and inel Measurement @ 7 TeV: Summary
LHCb CMS Very good agreement: - among TOTEM measurement with different methods (understanding of systematic uncertainties and corrections) - among LHC experiments Experiment Method T (mb) inel (mb) el (mb) Reference ATLAS 2 95.35  1.36 71.3  0.9 24.0  0.6 Nucl. Phys. B 889 (2014), 486 TOTEM 1 99.1  4.3 73.7  3.4 25. 4  1.1 EPL 101 (2013), 21002 EPL 101 (2013), 21003 98.3  2.8 73.5  1.6 24.8  1.2 EPL 96 (2011), 21002 98.6  2.2 73.2  1.3 25.4  1.1 EPL 101(2013), 21002 3 98.0  2.5 72.9  1.5 25.1  1.1 EPL 101 (2013), 21004 14/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

15 del/d|t| Measurement @ 8 TeV
* = 90 m data Follow the same analysis steps 7 TeV (optical functions basically the same): Nel and (dNel/dt)|t=0 measurement  T, el and inel with L-indep. method * = 1000 m data Preliminary studies towards  measurement β*(m) RP approach (beam ) Lint (µb-1) |t|- range (GeV2) Elastic events Reference 90 6 – 9.5 60 0.01 – 0.1 0.6M PRL 111 (2013), 9.5 735 0.027 – 0.2 7.2M Nucl. Phys. B899 (2015), 527 1000 3 20 6·10-4 – 0.2 0.4M Analysis Ongoing Possibility of  measurement SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 15/27

16 (el / inel = Nel / Ninel)
T 8 TeV new data available at s = 2.76 TeV T from L –independent Method el and inel from L - and -indepen. el / inel ratio (el / inel = Nel / Ninel) PRL 111 (2013) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 16/27

17 del/d|t| Measurement @ 8 TeV with High Statistics
Nucl. Phys. B899, 527 (2015) Nb = 1: B = b1 (Reference) Nb = 2: B = b1 + b2t Nb = 3: B = b1 + b2t + b3t2 High statistic data sample allowed a precise del/d|t| measurement (for < |t| < 0.2 GeV2) “Purely” exponential slope excluded with a significance > 7 ( del/d|t| = Ae-B(t)|t|) Quadratic and cubic polynomials in the exponent well describe data Using the new parametrisations for extrapolation to t = 0 and applying the optical theorem, new results for T are found in agreement with previous measurement: Nb = 1 (previous, purely exponential)  T =  2.9 mb (with L-indep. method) Nb = 2 (quadratic polynomial)  T =  2.1 mb Nb = 3 (cubic polynomial)  T =  2.1 mb 17/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM

18 Elastic Scattering at Low |t|:  Measurement
Optical Theorem: Total (Coulomb & nuclear) Coulomb scattering dominant Coulomb-Nuclear interference Nuclear scattering a = fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phase G(t) = nucleon el.-mag. form factor = (1 + |t| / 0.71)-2 =  /  [Telastic,nuclear(t = 0)] Measurement of r by studying the Coulomb – Nuclear interference region down to |t| ~ 610-4 GeV2 s = 8 TeV, with b* = 1000 m and RP approaching the beam ~ 3s 18/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 18

19 Elastic Scattering in the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference Region
d/dt  |FC+H|2 = Coul. + Had. + Interf. TOTEM Preliminary Constrained by measured e-B(t)|t| TOTEM Preliminary Preliminary results on direct  8 TeV: Indirect crude  7 TeV (from optical th.):  |r| =  0.091 Analysis Ongoing G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 19/27 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15

20 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM
dNch/d in 7 TeV TOTEM measurements compared to MC predictions TOTEM measurements “combined” with the other LHC experiments None theoretical model fully describes the data Cosmic Ray (CR) MCs show a better agreement for the slope: - SYBILL (CR): 4–16% lower - QGSJET-II (CR): 18-30% higher Previously unexplored forward  range High “visible” fraction of inelastic cross section:  95% inel - Diffractive events with MDiff > 3.4 GeV/c2 - ND events > 99% - EPL 98 (2012) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 20/27

21 dNch/d Measurement @ 8 TeV (I)
Combined analysis CMS (|| < 2.2) + TOTEM (5.3 < || < 6.4) on low-pileup run of 8 TeV: common trigger (T2, bunch cross.), both experiments read out Corrected down to PT = 0 MeV/c  direct comparison with MC Three event samples: “Inclusive” (particles in any T2 arm, > 91% of inel); “NSD-enh.” (particles in both T2 arms); “SD-enh.” (particles in only one T2 arm) None MC event generator provides a consistent description of data Inclusive SD-enhanced NSD-enhanced First common paper with CMS: - Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 21/27

22 dNch/d Measurement @ 8 TeV (II)
Data sample with displaced interaction point parasitical collision at β* = 90 m (2012, 8 TeV)  ~11m  shifted  acceptance for T2 Measurement with -unc. uncertainty Total uncertainty Not possible to make reliable measurement in 6.9 <  < 6 due to large amount of material - Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015) 126 - SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 22/27

23 Physics Programme for Run II
Stand-alone: repeat same physics s = 13 TeV CMS+TOTEM: focus on central diffraction (CD) processes - double arm proton detection: full reconstruction of initial state kinematics - hermetic coverage for || < 6.5: initial vrs. final state comparison - several physics processes of interest in hard and soft diffraction - potentialities for the search for new physics CD (aka DPE) Preliminary investigation of some physics channels in progress with the analysis of data from joint CMS-TOTEM high * run 8 TeV (2012) The study/search for low cross section DPE processes requires running in high luminosity scenarios: capabilities of resolving event pile-up and multiple proton track reconstruction mandatory......  upgrade programme needed SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 23/27

24 Upgraded Roman Pot System
Existing RP220 (vertical + horizontal RPs) Already installed in LHC tunnel during LS1 RP147 relocated to m Two TDRs released:  two complementary projects SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 24/27

25 TOTEM Stand-alone Upgrade
Hit map for b* = 90 m CERN-LHCC , TOTEM-TDR-002 (2014) High * (90 m), special runs, low L - Scientific objectives of DPE processes studies: exclusive central diffraction; low mass resonances and glueball states; exclusive charmonium state; search for missing mass and momentum candidates; diffractive central jet production. - CMS/TOTEM common data taking - Lint  1 – 100 pb-1 - Only vertical RPs, with one (220-N) equipped with diamond timing detectors (installed in 2015/16)  TOF measurement on p (resolution of  50 ps) gives information on Zv - RPs at 214 m rotated by 8o  multi-track capability (3D pixel Si detector under study for next upgrade) - Possibility to reach moderate L with pile-up up to   1 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 25/27

26 CMS-TOTEM Upgrade (CT-PPS)
CERN-LHCC , CMS-TDR-013, TOTEM-TDR-003 (2014) CT-PPS: CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer Low * (0.5 m), standard runs, high L - Scientific objectives of DPE processed studies: EWK: LHC as a - collider - measure   W+W-, e+e-, m+m-, t+t- ; - search for AQGC with high sensitivity; - search for SM forbidden ZZgg, gggg couplings… QCD: LHC as a g-g collider - exclusive 2 and 3-jets events, with M up to ~ GeV; - inclusive 2 and 4-jets for g(x,Q2) and structure in pomeron; - test of pQCD mechanisms of exclusive production; - almost pure gluon jet samples… BSM: search for new resonances and missing M - clean events (no underlying pp event); - JPC quantum numbers 0++, 2++ - CMS/TOTEM common data taking, Lint up to 100 fb-1 - CMS-TOTEM common R&D: detectors to be installed in the relocated (tracking: 3D Si pixel det.) and newly constructed (timing: quartz Cherenkov det.) horizontal RPs Hit map for b* = 0.55 m (low b* = standard at LHC) SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 26/27

27 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM
Summary & Outlook TOTEM detectors fully commissioned and operative during LHC RunI The analysis of collision data taken in special runs with different beam conditions (* = 3.5, 90, 1000 m, s = 7, 8 TeV) gave the measurements of: - elastic scattering in a wide |t| range (6·10-4 < |t| < 3.5 GeV2) - elastic, inelastic and total p-p cross-section - evidence for non-exponential slope - forward charged particle multiplicity (also in combination with CMS) - forward DD and (ongoing) study of SD and DPE processes Data taking with * = 1 km (s = 8 TeV): preliminary  measurement First joint TOTEM/CMS data taking ( , s = 8 TeV) with common triggers and both experiments read out: analyses ongoing LS-1 ( ): “consolidation” activities on detectors (electronics upgrade for DAQ and trigger integration with CMS, relocation of RP147) After LS-1: repeat measurements at higher s; RP upgrade with timing detectors: CERN-LHCC (TOTEM-TDR-002); diffraction together with CMS (common upgrade of forward proton detectors: CERN-LHCC (TOTEM-TDR-003 ; CMS-TDR-13) Looking forward for new data taking during LHC Run II !!! 16 SIF 2015 – 24/09/15 G. Latino – Risultati e Prospettive dell’Esperimento TOTEM 27/27

28 Backup Slides

29 Elastic Scattering: from ISR to Tevatron
~1.4 GeV2 ISR Diffractive minimum analogous to Fraunhofer diffraction: minimum moves to lower |t| with increasing s  interaction region grows (as also seen from sT) depth of minimum changes  shape of proton profile changes depth of minimum differs between pp, pbarp  different mix of processes B1

30 Roman Pots (I) Beampipes Units installed into the beam vacuum chamber allowing to put proton detectors as close as possible to the beam Protons at few rad angles detected down to  5 + d from beam (beam ~ 80m at RP)  ‘Edgeless’ detectors to minimize d Each RP station has 2 units, 5m apart. Each unit has 3 insertions (‘pots’): 2 vertical and 1 horizontal Horizontal Pot Vertical Pot BPM Horizontal Pot: extend acceptance; overlap for relative alignment using common track Absolute (w.r.t. beam) alignment from beam position monitor (BPM) B2

31 Roman Pots (II) Each Pot: 10 planes of Si detectors
200m thick Roman Pots (II) beam Each Pot: 10 planes of Si detectors 512 strips at 45o orthogonal Pitch: 66 m Total ~ 5.1K channels Digital readout (VFAT): trigger/tracking Hit Resolution:  ~ 10 m Integration of traditional Voltage Terminating Structure with the Current Terminating Structure Readout chip VFAT Detectors expected to work up to Lint ~ 1 fb-1 (no loss of performance during Run I) Edgeless Si detector: 50 μm of dead area B3

32 Planar technology with CTS (Current Terminating Structure)
Si CTS Edgeless Detectors for Roman Pots Planar technology with CTS (Current Terminating Structure) I2 I1 + - biasing ring Al p+ n+ cut edge current terminating ring SiO2 n-type bulk 50µm Integration of traditional Voltage Terminating Structure with the Current Terminating Structure bias gard/clean-up ring (CR) AC coupled microstrips made in planar technology with novel guard-ring design and biasing scheme 50 μm of dead area 50 µm B4

33 LHC Optics and TOTEM Running Scenarios
Acceptance for diffractive protons: t  -p2 * 2: four-momentum transfer squared;  = p/p: fractional momentum loss b* = 90 m b* = 1000 m b* = 0.55 m > 1033 cm-2 s-1 ~1027 cm-2 s-1 Diffraction:  > ~0.01 low cross-section processes (hard diffraction) Elastic scattering: large |t| Diffraction: all  if |t| > ~10-2 GeV2 Elastic scattering: low to mid |t| Total Cross-Section Elastic scattering: very low |t| Coulomb-Nuclear Interference Total Cross-Section B5

34 Inelastic pile-up ~ 0.03 ev. / bx
Elastic pp Scattering: Hit Map in RPs Coincidences of tracks reconstructed in left(45) and right(56) sectors: two “diagonals” analyzed independently Sector Sector 56 Sector 56 Sector 45 Aperture limitation, tmax Beam halo β* = 3.5m (7σ) β* = 90m (10σ) β* = 90m (5σ) x[mm] ty x 7 x1010 protons per bunch Inelastic pile-up ~ 0.8 ev. / bx 1.5 x1010 protons per bunch Inelastic pile-up ~ ev. / bx 6 x1010 protons per bunch Inelastic pile-up ~ 0.03 ev. / bx Hits associated to elastic scattering candidates B6

35 Optical Functions: Example at * = 90 m
L = (*)1/2 sin((s)) v = (/*)1/2 cos((s))  Idea: Ly large Lx=0 vy = 0 y(220) = /2 x(220) =  (parallel-to-point focussing on y) (m)‏ hit distribution (elastic) x = Lxx* + vxx* +D y = Lyy* + vyy * Optical functions: - L (effective length) - v (magnification) defined by  (betatron function) and  (phase advance); - D (machine dispersion)  describe the explicit path of particles through the magnetic elements as a function of the particle parameters at IP  = p/p (x*, y*): vertex position at IP (x*,y*): emission angle at IP t = tx + ty ti ~ -(pi*)2 B7 G. Latino – TOTEM Physics Summary

36 * and  Resolution (* = 90 m)
Diffractive p Elastic p CERN-PH-EP B8

37 Roman Pot Alignment wrt Beam Centre: BLM
Collimator cuts a sharp beam edge symmetrically to the centre RP approaches this edge until it scrapes … … producing spike in BLM downstream The second RP approaches When both top and bottom pots “feel” the edge: they are at the same number of sigmas from the beam centre as the collimator and the beam centre is exactly in the middle between top and bottom pot B9 37

38 TOTEM Roman Pot Alignment Procedures
Critical procedures (fill-based): movable devices, beam optics variations Pot position wrt LHC beam center: alignment wrt collimators by approaching the beam “cut edge” (~ 20 mm) Internal alignment of components within detector assembly: metrology, local tracks (few mm) Relative alignment of the pots in a station: tracks in overlapping regions (Millepede algorithm, few mm) Global alignment: track based exploiting symmetries (co-linearity) of hit profiles for elastically scattered protons, also allows “left-right” constraints (< 10 mm in x,  20 mm in y) Bottom Pot Top Pot Flip and shift Final precision achieved: ~ 10(50) mm in x(y)  t/t ~ % B10

39 TOTEM Elastic pp Scattering: Analysis (I)
Proton selection cuts - collinearity cuts (left-right): Θ*x,45 Θ*x,56 Θ*y,45 Θ*y,56 (width in agreement with beam divergence) - low ξ cuts: |x*| < 0.6 mm and 2s cut in Dqy* - vertex cuts (beam halo): |x*45 - x*56| < 27 µm - optics related cuts Collinearity in qy* Missing acceptance in Qy* Collinearity in qx* Background subtraction - interpolating the background tails (> 3 ) into the signal region (< 3 ) Acceptance correction - assuming azimuthal symmetry - correcting for smearing around limitation edges B11

40 TOTEM Elastic pp Scattering: Analysis (II)
Extrapolation limit β*=90m σ(Θ*)=1.7µrad Unfolding of resolution effects: MC based iterative procedure divergence uncertainty β*=3.5m unfolding correction Normalization (reconstruction efficiencies): Trigger Efficiency (from zero-bias data stream) > 99.8% (68% CL) DAQ Efficiency  % Reconstruction Efficiency – intrinsic detector inefficiency: – 3 % / pot – elastic proton lost due to interaction: % / pot – event lost due to overlap with beam halo (depends on RP position wrt beam and diagonals): – 8% (β*=90m); 30% (β*=3.5m) Luminosity from CMS: systematic error of 4% Systematic uncertainties: dominated by L and by analysis t-dependent effects (misalignments, optics imperfections, energy offset, acceptance correction and un-smearing correction) B12

41 del/d|t| Measurement @ 7 TeV
A = 506  23.0syst  0.9stat mb/GeV2 A = 504  26.7syst  1.5stat mb/GeV2 B = 19.9  0.27syst  0.03stat GeV-2 |t|dip= 0.53 GeV2 ~ |t|-7.8 Analysis steps: Alignment procedures/corr. LHC optics calibration Elastic candidate event sel. Background subtraction Acceptance correction Unfolding of resolution effects Normalization (recon. eff.) Luminosity determination System. uncertainties: dominated by L and by analysis t-dependent effects (energy offset, acceptance correction, misalignments, optics imperfections and un-smearing correction) Integrated elastic cross-section: El = El, Meas. + El, Extr. (L from CMS, with 4% unc.) el = 25.4 ± 1.0lumi ± 0.3syst ± 0.03stat mb (91% directly measured) el = 24.8 ± 1.0lumi ± 0.7syst ± 0.2stat mb (67% directly measured) B13

42 Elastic Scattering at low |t|: Systematic Errors
Individual contributions to errors: analysis t-dependent: – misalignments – optics imperfections – energy offset – acceptance correction – unsmearing correction analysis normalization: – event tagging – background subtraction – detector efficiency – reconstruction efficiency – trigger efficiency – “pile-up” correction Luminosity from CMS ( 4%) Constant slope for 0.005 < |t| < 0.2 GeV2 Mario Deile – B14

43 Comparison to some models
B (t=-0.4 GeV2) tDIP t-n [1.5–2.5 GeV2] 20.2 0.60 5.0 23.3 0.51 7.0 22.0 0.54 8.4 25.3 0.48 10.4 20.1 0.72 4.2 23.6 ± 0.5 0.53 ± 0.01 7.8 ± 0.3 None of the models really fit Better statistics at large |t| needed (in progress) B15

44 Dependence of Nuclear Slope B on Energy

45 Inelastic Cross Section Measurement @ 7 TeV
All LHC experiments performed direct measurement: inel = Ninel /L General analysis steps for the measurement Corrections to the “visible” inel in the given kinematic acceptance region trigger and event reconstruction efficiency, background rejection and pile-up (experimental uncertainty dominated by uncertainty on L) Corrections for “missing” inel events lost due to (eventually) limited acceptance in central region, events lost due limited acceptance in forward region, related to low mass diffraction  leading contribution (and uncertainty) Experiment Acceptance  range “Visible”  range MX range (GeV/c2) Reference ALICE - 3.7 <  < 5.1  > 510-6 MX > 15.7 EPJ C73 (2013), 2456 ATLAS 2.09 < || < 3.84 Nat. Commun. 2 (2011), 463 CMS 3 < || < 5 Phys. Lett. B 722 (2013), 5 LHCb 2 <  < 4.5  >  1.510-6 (n) MX >  8.6 (n) arXiv: (2014) TOTEM 3.1 < || < 6.5  > 2.410-7 MX > 3.4 EPL 101 (2013), 21003 B17

46 Inelastic Cross Section @ 7 TeV: TOTEM
Direct T1 and T2 measurement: inel = Ninel /L (L from CMS) Data sample - Oct run with β* = 90 m: same data subsets used for the L-independent total cross section measurement - T2 triggered events - Low pile-up: (μ = 0.03) T2 η tracks Inelastic events in T2: classification - Tracks in both hemispheres: mainly non-Diffractive minimum bias (ND) and Double Diffraction (DD) - Tracks in a single hemisphere: mainly single diffraction (SD) with MX > 3.4 GeV/c2  Optimized study of trigger efficiency and beam gas background corrections B18

47 inel @ 7 TeV: TOTEM (Corrections)
Corrections to the “T2 visible” events ( 95%) - Trigger Efficiency (from zero bias data, vs track multiplicity):  0.7 % - Track reconstruction efficiency (based on MC tuned with data): 1.0  0.5 % - Beam-gas background (from non colliding bunch data):  0.4 % - Pile-up (μ = 0.03) (from zero bias data):  0.4 % Corrections for “missing” inelastic cross-section - Events visible in T1 but not in T2 (from zero bias data):  0.4 % - Rapidity gap in T2 (from T1 gap probability transferred to T2):  0.15 % - Central Diffraction: T1 & T2 empty (based on MC):  0.35 % - Low Mass Diffraction (based on QGSJET-II-03 MC): 4.2 %  2.1 % (constrained by elastic scattering measurement, see later) Uncertainty related to L (CMS): 4% Compatible with other similar LHC σinelastic = 73.7 ± 0.1stat ± 1.7syst ± 3.0lumi mb - EPL 101 (2013) B19

48 Low-Mass Diffraction: T1+T2 Acceptance
QGSJET-II-03: dN/dMdiff MX > 3.4 GeV/c2 (T2 acceptance) T1+T2 (3.1 < || < 6.5) give an unique forward charged particle LHC  lower Mdiff reachable: minimal model dependence on required corrections for low mass diffraction Several models studied: correction for low mass single diffractive cross-section based on QGSJET-II-03 (well describing low mass diffraction at lower energies), imposing observed 2hemisphere/1hemisphere event ratio and the effect of “secondaries” sMx < 3.4 GeV = 3.1 ± 1.5 mb B20

49 Low-Mass Diffraction: Constraint from Nel
Constraint on low mass diffraction cross-section from TOTEM data: Use total cross-section determined from elastic observables (via the Optical Theorem)  no assumption on low mass diffraction sinel = stot – sel = 73.2  1.3 mb and the measured “visible” inelastic cross-section for |h| < 6.5 (T1, T2) sinel, |h| < 6.5 = 70.5  2.9 mb to obtain the low-mass diffractive cross-section (|h| > 6.5 or MX < 3.4 GeV/c2) sinel, |h| > 6.5 = sinel - sinel, |h| < 6.5 = 2.6  2.2 mb (or < % CL) [MC: 3.1  1.5 mb] - EPL 101 (2013) B21

50 Elastic Scattering in the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference Region
Experimental data Physics parameters (, …) Theoretical/phenomenological models Comparison Modulus constrained by measurement: ds/dt  A e-B(t) |t| B(t) = b0 + b1 t + … Phase argFH (interference term): very little guidance by data (QED) Simplified West-Yennie formula: constant slope B(t) = b0 constant hadronic phase arg(FH) = p0 (“costant phase”) Y(t) acts as real interference phase: General Kundrát-Lokajíček formula: any slope B(t) any hadronic phase: if argFH(t)  “peripheral phase” if argFH  cost  “central phase” complex Y(t): B22

51 Elastic Scattering in the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference Region
data sensitivity region ? ? ? “central phase”: “constant phase”: “peripheral phase”: Only 1 free parameter: p0 = (0)  B23

52 Further Measurements (TOTEM)
Absolute luminosity measurement 7 TeV): The “luminosity-independent” method also yields the luminosity calibration June 2011: Lint = (1.65  0.07) mb [CMS: (1.65  0.07) mb-1] October 2011: Lint = (83.7  3.2) mb [CMS: (82.0  3.3) mb-1] Excellent agreement with CMS L measurement Luminosity- and ρ-independent ratios: B24

53 importance of the dN/dh measurement
Forward Physics: importance of the dN/dh measurement The CR connection: tuning of the MC generator used in the Extensive Air Showers simulations A good description of the forward particle multiplicity and density produced in p-Air collision is important for the analysis of the Extensive Air Shower produced when a High Energy CR interacts in the athmosphere The energy and mass of the primary CR can be understood from measurement on Earth thanks to MCs which simulate the air shower 7 (14) TeV pp collisions at LHC correspond to pCR-pAIR collisions with pCR of ~ 25 (100) PeV B25

54 Big Challenge: Secondary Particles in T2
Track reconstruction in T2 is challenging because of the large amount of charged particles generated by the interaction of primaries with the material placed between the IP and T2 90% (80% ) of the signal (tracks) in T2 is given by secondaries A detailed revision of the volumes and of the GEANT setting was necessary HF IP T2 telescope HF Effect of the BP on the hit didtribution Material contributing to secondary particle generation: - BP flange and ion-pumps - BP cone at h=5.53 - lower edge of HF B26

55 Charged Particle Pseudo-Rapidity Density (dNch/d) @ 7 TeV
T2 alignment - Internal alignment two different track-based methods (HIP and Millepede) implemented in order to resolve misalignment (x-, y-shifts) among detectors in a quarter - Quarter-quarter alignment using tracks in the overlap region - Global alignment each arm aligned (shifts and tilts) respect to the nominal position by imposing the symmetry of the “beam pipe shadow” on each detector plane z IP x Final precision achieved: ~ 1 mm (x-,y-shifts); ~ 0.4 mrad (xz-, yz-tilts) B27

56 dNch/d in T2: Analysis Highlights
Data sample (2011): events at low luminosity and low pile-up, triggered with T2 (5.3 < || < 6.5) Selection: at least one track reconstructed in T2 Primary particle definition: charged particle with t > 0.310-10 s, pT > 40 MeV/c Primary particle selection: -primary/secondary discrimination, data-driven based on reconstructed track parameters (ZImpact) Primary track reconstruction efficiency: - evaluated by MC as a function of track  and hit multiplicity in T2 quarter - average efficiency of  80% - fraction of primary tracks within the selection cuts of 75% – 90% ( dependent) Un-folding of () resolution effects: MC driven bin “migration” corrections Systematic uncertainties (< 10%): dominated by primary track efficiency and global alignment correction uncertainty primary secondary B28

57 Soft Double Diffraction @ s = 7 TeV
Both protons break up  2 diffractive masses M1, M2 Central rapidity gap -|h|min,2 |h|min,1 Ultimate goal: 2-dim. cross-section h = 4.7 h = 6.5 Difficulties: no leading protons to tag for large masses ( small central gap) not easy to separate from non-diffractive events First step: sub-range with particles triggering both T2 harms, veto on T1 4.7 < ||min,1/2 < or GeV < M1/2 < 8 GeV ND back. estimate: scaling MC prediction using ND-dominated data sample (“2T1+2T2”) SD back. estimate: using SD-dominated data sample (“0T1+1T2”) with p in RP  Event selection with high DD purity ( 70%) B29

58 Soft Double Diffraction: Results @ 7 TeV
Partial 2-dim. cross-section in 2 x 2 bins: Sum: 2 2 1 1 - PRL 111 (2013) Leading systematics: - missing DD events with unseen particles generated at h < hmin - backgrounds from non-diffractive, single diffractive, central diffractive events So far, only a small part of DD measured: 116 b out of ~5 mb, but: benchmark for Monte Carlos: Pythia 8: Phojet: Improvement expected with 8 TeV data: also CMS detector information available (joint run) B30

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