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Symbolism and allegory

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1 Symbolism and allegory
Unit #6 Symbolism and allegory

2 Symbol Symbol- Something that means more than what’s suggested on the surface. Object or Action Symbolism- Objects or actions that contain underlying meaning Can carry meaning (obvious: Old Misery) Can add or reinforce meaning (less obvious: White Hills) Name Symbolism- the name itself contains underlying meaning Mary (Lamb to the Slaughter) George Milton and Lennie Small (Of Mice and Men) Porphyria (Porphyria’s Lover” Don’t wring out text with symbolism or push it too far. Symbols are frequently visual Often Reappears Most likely a form of figurative language (metaphor) “Does this item also stand for something else, different from itself?” Usually has something to do with the story’s theme Questions to ask to make sure your identifying symbols correctly Is anything going to be lost? Is unity going to be disrupted?

3 What WAS that symbol all about? Identifying Symbols
What person, place, animal, object or action is emphasized? What are the Attributes of this person, place, animal, object or action? What could this Symbolize Practice with the “eye” Let’s look at some poems and practice. Divide your piece of paper into 4 squares and draw the WAS circle like the one to the right  in each box. 2. Read each poem and identify 2 major symbols from each to practice on. Work with a partner if need be.

4 The Sick Rose by William Blake
O rose thou art sick, The invisible worm, That flies in the night In the howling storm Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy; And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy.

5 Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

6 What is it? What does it symbolize?

7 What is it? What does it symbolize?

8 What is it? What does it symbolize?

9 What is it? What does it symbolize?

10 What is it? What does it symbolize?

11 What is it? What does it symbolize?

12 What is it? What does it symbolize?

13 What is it? What does it symbolize?

14 What is it? What does it symbolize?

15 What is it? What does it symbolize?

16 What is it? What does it symbolize?

17 What is it? What does it symbolize?

18 What is it? What does it symbolize?

19 Allegory and Fantasy Allegory- stories in which characters stand for virtues and vices Mr. Worldy Wiseman, Little Faith, Mrs. Bubble Pilgrims Progress John Bunyan Fables- animal characters that symbolize vices and virtues act out a story in order to teach a practical lesson about how to succeed in life. Parable- a brief story that is set in the ordinary everyday world and told to teach a lesson about ethics or morality. Fantasy- an unrealistic story that transcends the bounds of reality. “willing suspension of disbelief” by reader Magical Realism- type of fantasy in which fantastic and magical events are woven into mundane and ordinary situations, creating striking and memorable effects unavailable to either realism or fantasy alone. Fables, ghost stories, sci-fi, etc.


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