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Addressing CC Competencies through eService-Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing CC Competencies through eService-Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing CC Competencies through eService-Learning

2 Agenda What is eSL? How can eSL help achieve CC Competencies?
An Example Other Possibilities / QA

3 Personal Growth & Cultural Literacy
The ability to understand and manage self, to function effectively in social and professional environments, and to make reasoned judgments based on an understanding of the diversity of the world community. Key Indicators Student demonstrates cultural awareness. Student identifies and assesses assumptions.

4 Personal Growth & Cultural Literacy at CP? Food Insecurity

5 Connecting Dots

6 CUL Final Project Develop a meal that incorporates fruits or vegetables, whole grains, moderate amounts of lean protein and healthy oils in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and ChooseMyPlate. You must provide a nutrient calculation for this menu selection.

7 CUL 112 - Final Project - ESL/CC VERSION!
Develop a meal that incorporates accordance with ... The recipe must use at least 2 of the most frequently donated canned/dry goods to CPCC’s campus food pantry. We will donate successful recipes to the pantry as .pdf printables to aid nutritional meal prep for pantry clients. You must provide a nutrient calculation for ...

8 Now What? Rubric Syllabus BB Grade Columns

9 Rubric

10 1. CRITICAL CORE: Central Piedmont Community College has identified Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Growth & Cultural Literacy, and Information Technology & Quantitative Literacy as 21st century skills expected by both employers and four-year educational institutions. All graduates are required to complete course work that demonstrates acquisition of these critical core competencies, which are crucial to personal, academic, and professional success. These competencies are demonstrated throughout the content of the course, discipline or program of study, and complement basic program knowledge and application. 2. Nutrition for Foodservice is aligned with PERSONAL GROWTH & CULTURAL LITERACY (defined as the ability to understand and manage self, to function effectively in social and professional environments, and to make reasoned judgments based on an understanding of the diversity of the world community.), and will focus on providing students the opportunity to attain and document the following ability: Student demonstrates cultural awareness. 3. RUBRIC HERE 4. The FINAL PROJECT will assess your level of proficiency. This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. Syllabus

11 BB Grade Columns Signature Assignment Grade: A-F
Signature Assignment Score: 0-4 CUL 112

12 Other Dots to Connect? Questions?
Other Courses?

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