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Getting the Best from SUMPS Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Best from SUMPS Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Best from SUMPS Tools
Guy Hitchcock SUMPS 6th Co-ordination group meeting

2 What sort of SUMPS tools do we have?
Quantitative tools – e.g. Urban Roadmaps Guidance – e.g. SUMPS guidance Best practice/Case studies Toolkits Training material Lots!

3 Provider perspective:
The challenges Provider perspective: How do we ensure that our tools are well used? Lots of effort and resources have been used to create them so need to get them used. User perspective: Lots of tools and guidance – how can I find and use the best tool (s) for what I need to do?

4 Projects Past and Present
Lots of tools have been generated Lots of website to promote and inform people about the tools Ongoing promotional events Ongoing training

5 ELTIS – pulling it altogether
Routes to tools Route 1: discover - topics - mobility planning -> more than 30 pages of content Konsult 2011 is first article Filter by content type Route 2: resources - tools (training material) -> 12 pages of content Civitas policy note on urban logistics is first tool Key word and topic search Urban mobility - 3 pages, WBCSD not shown, roadmaps not shown How do projects get selected? Route 3: mobility plans - mobility plan support Assessment, best practice, guidance, tools, training materials Tools – 4 shown How do things get shown here? ELTIS link

6 Just putting it out there is not enough:
Getting better use Just putting it out there is not enough: We need to help users find the right tool(s) We need to help them use the tools effectively Most will need several tools – how do they work together?

7 Discussion and ideas Do we need a better understanding of what is available, what is relevant, where there are gaps? Do we know how well our tools are being used? Usage data/stats? Expert system to guide people to most appropriate tool/information rather than simple searches? Capacity building Information events – build awareness Training – helps understanding but does it generate true use? Mentoring/support – working direct with cities to help them select and use tools A mentoring fund for cities to apply to? Other ideas??

8 Roadmaps use statistics
Source Sessions New Users 384 226 220 183 85 10 64 13 61 28 30 23 26 21 20 17 11 9 5 2 7 3 6 4 Others

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