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Table of Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality

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2 Table of Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

3 Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
Highlight of Key Accounts Details in Assets by Subsidiary Loan Growth 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality 4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

4 1. B/S – Highlight of Key Accounts
(KRW bn) 2001 1Q 02 2Q 02 3Q 02 Amt Chg YTD Total Asset Bank Only 62,017.5 66,774.6 64,924.7 67,208.9 5,191.4 8.4% SFG 1) 65,568.7 71,132.1 74,308.4 77,058.1 11,489.4 17.5% Total Deposit Bank Only 42,494.0 45,463.5 45,205.9 45,297.7 2,803.7 6.6% SFG 42,666.8 45,482.0 46,973.3 47,173.0 4,506.2 10.6% Total Loan Bank Only 34,409.9 39,118.6 37,613.3 39,338.2 4,928.3 14.3% SFG 35,045.6 39,588.6 41,401.4 43,174.7 8,129.1 23.2% Total Securities Bank Only 19,568.7 19,819.3 19,018.3 19,291.0 -277.7 -1.4% SFG 19,284.8 19,627.5 19,335.5 19,572.5 287.7 1.5% Footnote 1): includes Asset Under Management (AUM )of Shinhan Investment Trust Management

5 1. B/S – Details in Assets by Subsidiary
(KRW bn) 2001 1Q 02 2Q 02 3Q 02 Amt Chg YTD 총자산 총자산 SHB 62,017.5 66,774.6 64,924.7 67,208.9 5,191.4 8.4% B/A 53,356.0 57,054.7 54,976.6 57,289.7 3,933.7 7.4% T/A 9,422.8 10,500.0 10,247.1 10,036.7 614.0 6.5% GMSH 631.4 623.2 1,895.7 1,503.7 872.3 n.a SHCard 2,230.6 2,078.0 2,078.0 n.a SHC 855.5 857.7 830.2 865.5 10.0 1.2% SHITM 45.2 46.2 44.6 45.6 0.4 0.9% AuM 2,784.9 3,565.6 3,513.8 4,108.4 1,323.5 47.5% Jeju Bank 1,588.9 1,695.2 1,695.2 n.a (Intra Transac.) (765.8) (735.1) (720.2) (447.1) (-318.7) (-41.6%) Total 65,568.7 71,132.2 74,308.4 77,058.1 11,489.4 17.5%

6 1. B/S - Loan Growth 2001 Amount Change 3Q2002 YTD Portfolio In % 1Q
(KRW bn) 2001 Amount Change 3Q2002 YTD Portfolio In % 1Q 2Q 3Q Consumer 10,772.9 2,710.7 1,056.1 884.1 15,423.8 43.2% 49.5% Home Equity 6,940.2 2,156.1 572.9 47.9% 597.6 10,266.8 33.0% Others 3,832.7 554.6 483.2 34.6% 286.5 5,157.0 16.6% SMEs 10,618.9 934.5 590.6 -24.1 12,119.9 14.1% 38.9% Large Corps. 2,937.5 1,038.6 -562.3 89.7 3,503.5 19.3% 11.2% Public & Others 93.0 5.2 7.7 1.3 107.2 15.3% 0.3% Total Loans 24,422.3 4,689.0 1,092.1 951.0 31,154.4 27.6% 100.0% Footnote: Bank Account Loan in Korean Won

7 Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
Income by Individual Subsidiaries SFG Net Profit Interest Income vs. Non-interest Income Non-interest Income Summary NIS and NIM 3. Asset Quality 4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

8 2. P&L - Income By Individual Subsidiaries
(KRW bn) 1Q 02 2Q 02 3Q 02 Total 3Q2001 YoY 총자산 Pre-Provision Income Bank 312.6 265.7 245.0 823.3 809.4 5.7% Card 5.6 26.8 32.4 Securities 8.5 2.0 1.6 12.1 23.8 -49.2% Capital 8.7 8.8 7.0 24.5 26.5 -7.5% ITMC 1.2 2.0 1.8 5.0 2.7 85.2% Jeju 6.6 5.5 12.1 Total 331.0 290.7 287.7 909.4 862.4 5.4% Loan Loss Provision Bank 46.0 83.8 38.3 168.1 397.2 -57.7% Other Companies 2.0 8.2 38.0 48.2 22.8 111.4% Total 47.9 92.0 76.4 216.3 420.0 -48.5% Net Profit Bank 180.6 125.4 138.8 444.8 270.8 65.6% Card 3.9 -0.2 3.7 Securities 6.3 1.4 -6.6 1.2 13.4 -91.8% Capital 3.8 2.2 0.8 6.8 3.8 78.9% ITMC 0.8 1.3 1.2 3.3 2.6 26.9% Jeju 2.7 1.3 4.0 Total 191.5 136.9 135.3 463.8 290.6 59.6%

9 2. P&L - SFG Net Profit Net Profit Goodwill Provision Adjustment
Operating Expense Total (KRW bn) Bank 444.8 444.8 Securities 1.2 (4.4) (1.5) (4.7) Card 3.7 3.7 Capital 6.8 5.6 12.4 ITMC 3.3 3.3 Jeju Bank 4.0 0.4 2.1 6.5 e Shinhan (0.6) (0.6) Shinhan Macquarie (0.1) (0.1) Credit Information (0.3) (0.3) SFG (30.4)* (30.4) 434.6 Total 462.7 (4.0) 6.2 (30.4) * Interest income 2.4, G&A expenses 15.6, Deffered income tax credits 17.2

10 2. P&L - Interest Income vs Non-Interest Income
1Q 02 2Q 02 3Q 02 Total 3Q01 YoY (KRW bn) Bank Interest Income 261.9 302.0 316.4 880.3 761.9 15.5% Non-Interest Income 200.2 80.3 74.8 355.3 419.3 -15.3% ※ Including Shinhan Card 98.0 134.5 432.7 3.2% SFG Interest Income 269.2 310.1 309.9 889.2 790.3 12.5% Non-Interest Income 241.2 130.6 180.2 552.0 509.7 8.3%

11 2. P&L - Non-Interest Income Summary (Shinhan Bank)
1Q 02 2Q 02 3Q 02 Total 3Q 01 YoY (KRW bn) 총자산 총자산 Fees & Commissions 101.9 93.3 69.2 254.4 281.4 -9.6% Credit Card Income 86.3 68.1 29.9 184.3 216.2 -14.8% ※ Including Shinhan Card1) 85.8 89.6 261.7 21.0% Fees on Trust Account 39.9 25.2 32.1 97.2 92.2 5.4% Securities related Income 42.1 -67.0 -27.6 -52.5 -6.6 n.a ※ Excluding disposition loss of Hynix2) -4.5 10.0 n.a 18.6 35.3 14.6 68.5 79.3 -13.6% Income on FC Transaction Others -2.3 -6.7 -3.3 -12.3 -27.0 n.a Total 200.2 80.3 74.8 355.3 419.3 -15.3% Footnote) 1) Shinhan Card’s income(Revenue-Expenses) : W77.4bn (From June to September) 2) Losses on disposition of Hynix common share holding : W62.5bn

12 2. P&L - NIS and NIM NIS NIM 1Q 02 1H 02 3Q 02 3Q 01 YoY
Average Lending Rate 7.62% 7.52% 7.47% 8.75% -1.28%p Average Deposit Rate 4.54% 4.46% 4.41% 6.02% -1.61%p NIS in KRW 3.08% 3.06% 3.06% 2.73% 0.33%p NIS in KRW(excluding Credit Card) 2.49% 2.54% 2.54% 2.14% 0.40%p NIM Including Credit Card NIM 2.76% 2.80% 2.78% 2.76% 0.02%p NIM in KRW 2.88% 2.93% 2.91% 2.83% 0.08%p NIM in FX 1.86% 1.79% 1.82% 2.34% -0.52%p Excluding Credit Card NIM 2.37% 2.42% 2.41% 2.50% -0.09%p NIM in KRW 2.44% 2.51% 2.50% 2.53% -0.03%p NIM in FX 1.86% 1.77% 1.80% 2.34% -0.54%p

13 Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
Asset Classification and Coverage Ratio Delinquency Ratio Credit Card Asset Quality Additional Provisions Exposure to Hyundai Affiliates 4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

14 3. Asset Quality – Shinhan Bank
2001 1Q 02 2Q02 3Q02 YTD (KRW bn) 총자산 Total Credits 35,920.7 41,371.7 41,196.3 42,865.9 19.3% Substandard & below 868.1 735.7 614.8 680.7 -21.6% Ratio 2.42% 1.78% 1.49% 1.59% -0.83p% Precautionary & below 1,939.6 1,863.9 1,523.7 1,522.9 -21.5% Ratio 5.40% 4.51% 3.70% 3.55% -1.85%p Provisions 623.2 663.4 646.4 674.7 8.26% Coverage Ratio Substandard & below 71.8% 90.2% 105.1% 99.1% 27.3%p Precautionary & below 32.1% 35.6% 42.4% 44.3% 12.2%p NPLs Sold1) 161.4 116.1 n.a Write-offs 729.8 26.2 33.5 25.2 -88.4% Footnote) 1. ABS Issue 2. The numbers for NPLs Sold and Write-offs are not accumulated basis(quarterly figures)

15 3. Asset Quality – Delinquency Ratio
(KRW bn) 2001 1Q02 2Q02 3Q02 YTD Retail Loan Amount 11,140.4 13,780.2 14,751.2 15,603.4 40.1% Delinquency Amount 89.0 118.5 96.1 164.5 84.8% Home Equity Loan 27.0 44.9 36.5 79.8 195.6% Unsecured Loan 38.8 56.1 30.5 50.0 28.9% Corporate Loan Amount 13,730.5 15,652.2 15,657.1 15,744.5 14.7% Delinquency Amount 240.6 186.8 159.2 223.2 -7.2% Total Loan Amount 33,469.7 38,840.6 38,634.8 40,350.9 20.6% Delinquency Amount 565.6 536.0 332.4 472.3 -16.5% Delinquency Ratio Retail 0.80% 0.86% 0.65% 1.05% 0.25%p Home Equity Loan 0.39% 0.48% 0.36% 0.74% 0.35%p Unsecured Loan 1.48% 2.45% 1.29% 1.95% 0.47%p Corporate 1.75% 1.19% 1.02% 1.42% -0.33%p Total 1.69% 1.38% 0.86% 1.17% -0.52%p Footnote) Shinhan Bank only

16 3. Asset Quality – Shinhan Card
2001 1Q02 2Q02 3Q02 YTD (KRW bn) Spin-off Change in classification standard Normal 2,012.2 2,232.8 2,444.2 2,460.1 22.3% Precautionary 35.5 42.4 2.2 80.3 126.2% Substandard 1.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 n.a Doubtful 17.0 20.9 0.0 36.6 115.3% Estimated Loss 27.7 31.7 21.3 39.5 42.6% Total Credits 2,093.4 2,328.7 2,467.7 2,616.4 25.0% Substandard & below 2.19% 2.30% 0.86% 2.91% 0.72%p Precautionary & below 3.88% 4.12% 0.95% 5.98% 2.10%p Provisions 85.3 98.5 77.9 89.4 4.8% Coverage Ratio Substandard & below 186.3% 183.9% 365.7% 117.5% -68.8%p Precautionary & below 104.9% 102.7% 331.9% 57.2% -47.75p Delinquency Ratio Over 1 month 3.03% 3.84% 4.63% 5.46% 2.43%p Over 1 day 6.30% 7.16% 8.21% 9.93% 3.63%p Footnote) 1. Based on Shinhan Card and Shinhan Bank’s “Purchase Card”

17 3. Asset Quality – Additional Provisions from Regulatory Requirement
Changes or Amendment Provision Requirement(E) Net Income Impact(E) Application Period Consumer Loan (Precautionary) Increase in Provision Ratio 5% ⇒ 8% 2.6 bn △ 1.8 bn End of 2002 Corporate Loan (Normal) Increase in Provision Ratio 0.5% ⇒ 0.75% 27.4 bn △ 19.2 bn TBD Credit Card (Precautionary) Increase in Provision Ratio 7% ⇒ 12% 3.9 bn △ 2.7 bn End of 2002 Total 6.5 ∼ 33.9 bn △4.6 ∼ △ 23.7 bn

18 3. Asset Quality – Exposure to Hyundai Affiliates

19 Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

20 4. Capital Adequacy Ratio
2001 1Q02 2Q02 3Q02(E) 2002(E) (KRW bn) Shinhan Bank only Risk-weighted Assets 35,772.0 40,086.2 38,963.0 40,461.0 Tier 1 Capital 2,955.9 3,150.2 2,682.1 2,788.3 Tier 2 Capital 1,343.5 1,357.4 1,520.8 1,460.1 Capital Adequacy Ratio 12.02% 11.24% 10.79% 10.50% 10.50% Tier 1 Ratio 8.26% 7.86% 6.88% 6.89% 6.90% Tier 2 Ratio 3.76% 3.39% 3.90% 3. 61% 3.60% Shinhan Group(E) Risk-weighted Assets 41,881.0 42,787.7 Tier 1 Capital 3,303.3 4,000.2 Tier 2 Capital 1,193.8 1,395.8 Capital Adequacy Ratio 10.74% 12.61% Tier 1 Ratio 7.89% 9.35% Tier 2 Ratio 2.85% 3.26% ☞ Excluding GMSH securities’ minority interest, BIS ratio and tier 1 ratio would be 11.27% and 8.01% respectively

21 Contents 1. B/S Highlight 2. P/L Highlight 3. Asset Quality
4. Capital Adequacy Ratio 5. Major Financial Figures

22 5. Major Financial Ratio 2001 1Q 02 1H 02 3Q 02 2002 (P) ROA ROE BVPS
(KRW) ROA 0.79% 1.33% 1.10% 0.96% 1.03% ROE 13.83% 24.05% 18.70% 17.48% 20.00% BVPS 12,312 13,210 13,505 13,449 13,265 EPS 1,498 2,641 2,257 1,987 2,334 Loan to Deposit Ratio 81.1% 87.1% 92.0% 94.7% 91.2% Cost-income Ratio Consolidated Bank 42.23% 36.21% 41.26% 36.92% 37.31% 32.87% 43.83% 34.57% 36.97% 35.81% Substandard & below ratio* 2.42% 1.78% 1.49% 1.59% 1.75% * Loan to deposit ratio / Substandard & below ratio are for Shinhan Bank only

23 Your Contacts Investor Relations D. H. Lee, Head of IR Team
Tel : (822) I. C. Park, Deputy General Manager Tel : (822) S. H. Yu, Senior Manager Tel : (822) S. J. Han, Assistant General Manager Tel : (822) Fax : (822) /

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