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Making a standard solution

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1 Making a standard solution
Making up a standard solution I am going to make 250 cm3 of 5 g/dm3 sodium carbonate Mass Na2CO3 = concentration (g/dm3) x volume (in dm3) Mass Na2CO3 = 5 x (250/1000) = 1.25 g Dissolve in about 100 cm3 distilled water Transfer to cm3 volumetric flask Add rinsings to flask – ensures all of the Na2CO3 weighed is in the flask Make up to mark Reading to bottom of the meniscus

2 Match the word and meaning
Filtration The process of getting rid of unwanted substances in a reaction mixture Dessicator Where the liquid part is boiled off leaving the solid product Purification Process using a funnel to separate solid and liquid parts of a mixture crystallisation The process of forming a solid product when initially it is dissolved in a liquid evaporation Equipment that dries a product

3 Can you split the pictures into 2 groups?
Paints Fertilisers Drugs Make up Sulfuric acid Ethanol

4 Can you split the pictures into 2 groups?
Paints Fertilisers Bulk chemicals Fine chemicals Sulfuric acid Make up Drugs Ethanol

5 What is the difference between bulk and fine chemicals?
Bulk chemicals: Made on a scale of thousands or even millions of tonnes per year. Examples are ammonia, sulfuric acid, chlorine and ethene. Most bulk chemicals go on to be used in the synthesis of other products. Fine chemicals: Made on a much smaller scale (e.g. drugs, pesticides) and often speciality chemicals needed by manufacturers for very specific purposes. These speciality chemicals include flame retardants, food additives and liquid crystals for TVs etc. Ac7.17 – Watch the films of chemical synthesis and answer the questions on the worksheet.

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