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Architecture Pathway at NISD

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1 Architecture Pathway at NISD

2 The courses within the pathway in order:
Principles of Architecture and Construction This course offers a variety of knowledge to freshman and sophomore students wanting to pursue a degree in Architecture or Construction. You will learn manual architectural drafting using the t-square, triangle and architect’s scale. Students will be able to draw their first floor plan, roof plan, elevations and design a tiny house. Students will build a study model of their tiny house and present it to their peers. They will also study the construction side of building a residential house. Architectural Design I This course is little more advanced drafting using AutoCAD or Revit. Students will layout a residential floor plan, roof plan, exterior elevations, interior elevations, electrical floor plan, wall sections, and window and door schedules. They will also complete a presentation model of a house, and presentation boards for e-portfolio. Students will work collaboratively with their peers to complete a major project with mix spaces. Architectural Design II This course offers commercial design using AutoCAD or Revit. Students will explore how commercial designs different from residential design. Students will design a commercial space and complete a study model of their building. Students will also work in groups to collaborate on a major projects such as but not limited to a downtown city, mix spaces, shopping centers, banks, dentist office or restaurants. Perspective drawings and renderings of commercial spaces. Practicum In Architecture This class can look different at each campus because the student can be offered an internship at an architectural firm or the teacher can invite architects into the classroom for presentations and class discussions. Student will gain knowledge and skills specific to those needed to enter a career in architecture and construction or prepare for a foundation toward a post -secondary degree in architecture, construction science, drafting, interior design and landscape architecture.

3 Certification(s) AutoCAD or Revit - widely utilized Computer- Aided Design (CAD) software that is applied for creating and drafting 2D and 3D models

4 What type of student should take these courses?
Students who are interested in architecture, interior design, architectural landscape, drafting, construction and just love to be creative, likes problem solving, sketching, or building models using their hands would be a good candidate for this career pathway.

5 Careers Related to Pathway:
*Architecture *Urban and Regional Planning *Landscape Architecture *Sustainable Environmental Design *Building surveyor *Commercial/residential surveyor. *Historic buildings inspector/conservation officer *Planning and development surveyor *Production designer, theatre/television/film *Structural engineer

6 Video sSeSoV39gLvB3nfFON2S4aT7kOXM/edit?usp=sharing

7 Assignment 1) Draw the floorplan of your house.

8 Assignment 2) Search for “world famous architects” online.  They will then choose two different architects from the list.  For each architect they will give quick information about each architect such as life span, where architect was born, where their main office was located


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