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Unit 4: Government & Human Rights

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1 Unit 4: Government & Human Rights
Lesson 4.1: Human Rights in Arabic-speaking Countries

2 Essential Questions What are human rights?
What is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? What are human rights issues in Arab-speaking countries?

3 Human Rights Consider the following:
What does the phrase “human rights” mean? Who do these rights apply to? Are there limitations to these rights?

4 In groups of 4-6, define what you believe human rights to be.
Provide examples of these rights. Try to be specific. Record your answers the provided chart paper.

5 Review
How does this video play in to the view of “human rights?”

6 The Story of Human Rights
ch?v=oh3BbLk5UIQ&feature=yo Try to complete the questions on the sheet as you watch this video.

7 What is a human right? According to the UN, how many human rights are there? Who was the first to declare some human rights? What is natural law? What did the Magna Carta proclaim? What are two examples of people fighting for their natural rights? What did Gandhi do to promote human rights? What is the purpose of the UN? Why is the Declaration of Human Rights not being enforced?

8 How can you promote human rights?
How do you see human rights as being a motivating force for the Arab Spring?

9 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The following handout lists the 30 basic human rights established by the United Nations. Please take note of the rights you did not include on your charts earlier.

10 Human Rights Violations
In groups of 4-6, you will analyze at LEAST 4 articles regarding human rights violations in the Arab-speaking countries. As you are reading, complete the analysis sheet and try to determine at least 2 human rights violations as determined by the Declaration of Human Rights.

11 in-egypt-worse-than-under-mubarak suspects-revenge-killings-in-Libya/ /1

12 Journal Read the following article by Shadi Mokhtari.
In your journals, describe your feelings about Mokhtari’s opinions. Is there any justification for her point of view? If so, provide reasons why you feel so.

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