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How Do We Know About History?

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Presentation on theme: "How Do We Know About History?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do We Know About History?
10th Grade U.S. History

2 Scientific Work Archeologist- scientists who study artifacts (objects left by people) Anthropologist – scientists who study the way people live and behave Historians – scientists who use the work of archeologists & anthropologists to research people & places & create written works for us to study (textbooks!)

3 Let’s Go WAYYYY Back! 20,000 years ago – 1st people came to North America from Asia across a frozen land bridge – the Bering Strait. These people were nomadic (no permanent homes) & came following herds of animals. These people were not very advanced & survived by hunting large animals (wooly mammoth, etc.) For this reason, they were called Nomadic Hunters.

4 The Caveman Gets Smarter!
1,000’s of years pass & the Nomadic Hunter learns to adapt to his surroundings & gets smarter. He learns to hunt & gather food for survival. He is now a Hunter/Gatherer. With a better diet, these people are healthier & smarter. They build small, semi-permanent, individual communities. Each community begins to develop its own customs- this will lead to the creation of different “tribes” later on.

5 Domesticated Man! 1,000’s of years pass, but soon the Hunter/Gatherer becomes domesticated – learns to raise plants & animals for his own uses. Now that he doesn’t have to chase food, he builds a permanent home. Large communities develop & we finally see the different Indian civilizations that existed in North America before Europeans came.

6 Empires in America 1,000’s of Indian tribes existed in the Western Hemisphere. All had unique, civilized societies very different from one another. Civilization – an area that has an organized political, economic, religious, and social system. It also has a written language.

7 Important Indian Civilizations
Inca- civilization on the coast of South America (modern-day Peru) Aztec – civilization in central Mexico (Mexico City today) Maya – civilization on the Yucatan peninsula Olmec – civilization located on the gulf coast of Mexico (Veracruz today)

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