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The Roaring Twenties!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring Twenties!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring Twenties!

2 Intro Dancing in the 20’s!
Fun vid 1920’s life

3 Automobiles Automobile was changing the landscape
Difficult landscape delayed Trans-Canada Highway Many good roads went north and south to the USA Increased influence of US culture in Canada

4 Example: Ford’s Model T
Model T-Ford was popular Henry Ford’s moving assembly line factories mass produced cars making them cheaper Ford paid workers $5 a day in exchange for no unions

5 Model T $295!!! Ford employees got paid $5 a day- 59 days worth of work to by a car.

6 Driving in the 20’s 1927 in BC driving switched from left to right hand side of road 1928 first White Spot drive-in restaurant opened

7 Aviation After WWI many pilots became “bush pilots”
Explored and transported supplies to remote mining and lumber camps Helped police and bring medicine to remote areas

8 Yeah… just hanging around the plane… no big deal.

9 Connected rural communities

10 1920’s style….



13 Women’s fashion (don’t need to write this down!)
After the War, women's dress more masculine and looser and more shapeless in fit. “Flapper” dress “The ideal silhouette of the is one with a suppressed bust, broad shoulders, undefined waist, and short hair” –Chanel, 1920’s



16 Improved Communications in the 1920’s
Telephone became a standard household appliance Telephone lines shared by many neighbors Eavesdropping became daily entertainment

17 Radio Radio became widespread
Brought entertainment to remote areas and farms Big US radio stations dominated the airwaves

18 FILM!!! Silent movies followed by “talkies” were introduced
Big US studios dominated the movie industry Many Canadians migrated to the US to get involved in radio and Movies

19 Movie star Mary Pickford became known as “America’s sweetheart”

20 Charlie Chaplin

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