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Rebecca L. Mugridge University of Pittsburgh

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1 Networking for Success: Networking Tips to Help You in Your Library Career
Rebecca L. Mugridge University of Pittsburgh LIS Professional Development Day March 28, 2009

2 Why address networking?
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know

3 What networking is NOT Using people to get what you want Superficial
Counting how many business cards you give away or collect

4 What networking IS Building relationships
Maintaining those relationships over time and distance Identifying commonalities (and differences) Helping others Quality over quantity

5 What can networking help you do?
Get a job Find a better job Acquire funding for your library Identify programs and speakers Recruit librarians and other library staff Identify research partners Become active in professional organizations

6 Networks that we already have
Family Friends Alumni groups Co-workers Religious Social organizations Community groups

7 Public librarians interact with:
Patrons Community groups Potential donors Government organizations Grant-funding organizations Board of trustees Friends group Professional committees Other?

8 Academic librarians interact with:
Colleagues Administrators Library committees University or college-level committees State or national professional organization committees Consortial groups Potential donors Student groups Faculty groups Grant-funding organizations

9 Graduate School Build relationships with your professors and instructors Build relationships with your fellow students Apply for internships in your area(s) of interest Volunteer for your graduate student organization

10 Graduate School, cont’d
Contribute to your school newsletter Attend school events when possible Join and become involved with student chapters of library associations Keep in touch!

11 On the job Build relationships with your colleagues
Build relationships with administration Don’t exclude non-librarians! Attend library-wide events Volunteer outside your area of expertise

12 On the job, cont’d Seek committee appointments (but not too many)
Seek public speaking opportunities Volunteer to draft documents

13 Networking within your parent organization
Seek organization-wide volunteer opportunities Seek committee appointments (but, again, not too many) Attend organization-wide events

14 Mentoring relationships
Find a mentor Meet regularly Use your conversations to learn as much as possible about your organization Keep in touch even if you move to another institution Become a mentor yourself

15 Community Volunteer in the community
Seek ways to help community groups use the library to enhance their success Encourage library use by community groups Identify community groups whose mission might overlap with the library’s

16 Professional organizations
Think broadly when deciding which to join Join regional or state library associations Join local chapters of national library associations Attend meetings of any or all groups that interest you Speak to the chair if you’re interested in getting involved

17 Professional organizations, cont’d
Volunteer to serve at the division booths at conferences Volunteer for leadership positions Offer to present papers or moderate discussions Attend membership meetings Form a local chapter if one doesn’t yet exist

18 Research and Publication
Contact editors and publishers directly The more you write, the more you will be asked to write Everyone who reads your work becomes a part of your extended network

19 Social networking online
Facebook MySpace Twitter Flickr

20 “Like any new behavior, the more you practice the skills of networking, the easier it gets.” Harvey Mackay Dig your well before you’re thirsty: the only networking book you’ll ever need.

21 For more information, please contact:
Rebecca L. Mugridge Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services Penn State University Libraries 126 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802 phone: fax:

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