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Creative Writing 1 February 26.

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1 Creative Writing 1 February 26

2 BELL, 2/26 Work on your Artistic Fiction Read quietly Or play pop word
No FBing, no chatting, no videos, no airdropping

3 It will be worth approximately 25% of your final grade!
Have you begun to consider which of your pieces are best for your portfolio? It will be worth approximately 25% of your final grade!

4 Your Final Portfolio Six paragraph introduction – answers to prompts must be well thought out and thorough with evidence and explanation provided. Total of 4 selections – each will be followed by a reflection 2 poems --- 1 piece of fiction --- 1 choice selection ---

5 Upcoming Deadlines: Thursday, February 27 – Final Artistic Fiction – published to Figment. Tuesday, March 4 – Portfolio Due on Figment

6 26 February: Today, you will…
CCSS.ELA-W Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience by… Revising and editing your fictional story Selecting and revising material for your portfolio

7 February 26: Revision2 and Edit
Reread your Artistic Fiction. Do you have any gaps? Add information and detail as needed. Do you have any unnecessary information? Get rid of it! Is everything in an order that makes sense? Move it around. Characters…REAL???? Plot…complete???Introduction (make it red) – interesting??? Word choice…interesting??? (highlight blue – 10 strong words) Foreshadowing…present??? (highlight in yellow) Dialogue…has a purpose??? Events…shown??? Important??? Once corrected, reread and check your Conventions! Free time? Begin selecting material for your portfolio.

8 Language is original and fresh at times.
Language is imaginative and fresh. It easily conveys mood and meaning to the reader. Language is original and fresh at times. Language is dull and lacks any imagination. Use of Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is used and assists the reader in understanding the story. Foreshadowing attempted. Plot Development All five areas of the plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) are present and are clearly developed. Setting is well defined and seems realistic. One of the five areas of the plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) is not present and/or is not clearly developed. Setting is defined and realistic. Two or more of the five areas of the plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) are not present and/or are not clearly developed. Setting is mentioned. Characters Main character(s) are round – they seem like real people and are multi-dimensional. Main character(s) is somewhat round. Author has attempted to develop a multi-dimensional character. Character(s) are flat or stereotypical. Little if any insight into their thoughts and internal feelings are provided. Events Details are important, relevant, specific, and though provoking. Author has attempted to provide relevant detail although some holes exist. Detail is lacking.

9 Point Average: There are no Convention errors anywhere in the work.
Conventions There are no Convention errors anywhere in the work. Some errors exist but they do not hinder the understanding of the text. Errors hinder the understanding of the text. Meaningful Dialogue Meaningful dialogue has been used to provide relevant and telling details and interest. Dialogue adds some detail. Dialogue if used seems rote and unimaginative; it provides unnecessary detail and is very basic. Length Story is between 500 – 1000 words. 375 – 449 words. 350 – 374-2 349/fewer words 1 Point Average: 5 – 1 - 60

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