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Monetary Policy Update December 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Monetary Policy Update December 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monetary Policy Update December 2010

2 Strong economic performance in Sweden

3 Growth at record rates Source: Statistics Sweden
GDP, annual percentage change, calendar-adjusted quarterly data

4 Broad-based upturn in the Swedish economy
Level, index 2007 = 100, seasonally-adjusted quarterly data Source: Statistics Sweden

5 Households are continuing to borrow
Borrowing from monetary and financial institutions, annual percentage change Source: Statistics Sweden

6 The fiscal situation creates uncertainty
Spreads for 10-year government bonds compared with Germany, percentage points Source: Reuters, EcoWin

7 Uneven growth in the world economy
GDP, annual percentage change. IMF October forecast for Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) Sources: The IMF and the Riksbank

8 Indicators suggest high growth in Sweden
Confidence indicators, net figures Source: National Institute of Economic Research

9 Continuing strength in the Swedish economy
GDP, quarterly changes in per cent calculated as an annual rate, seasonally-adjusted data Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank

10 Strong development on the labour market
Unemployment age group (before 2001, age group), percentage of labour force, seasonally-adjusted data Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank

11 Inflation around the target
Annual percentage change Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank

12 The repo rate path – a forecast, not a promise
Per cent, quarterly averages Source: The Riksbank

13 Strong economic performance in Sweden

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