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UTSA Student Branch Phase I Funding Fall 2015

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1 UTSA Student Branch Phase I Funding Fall 2015
IEEE Central Texas Section August 29th, 2015 San Marcos, Texas Adviser: Dr. Paul Morton –

2 Student Branch Overview
Over 150 members (new sign-ups in the last 2 semesters) Largest active student engineering organization at UTSA. Leadership Team: (19 total officers) Position Name Address Chairman: Mark Pena Vice Chairman: Ruben Asebedo Secretary: Spencer Blake Treasurer: Vishal Sonthalia Robotics Chair: Miguel Medellin Public Affairs Liaison Meghann Lee Marketing Manager Alfredo Avila

3 Past Utilization of CTS Funding Phase I & II Funding accomplishments from 2014:
Promotion [$350] Membership Events [$300] Membership Incentives [$350] Professional Events [$300] -The IEEE S-PAC at UTSA for the Fall 2014 semester was well received by all of the officers, members, and faculty in attendance. Student Interest Groups (Robotics) [$600]

4 Past Utilization of CTS Funding

5 Past Utilization of CTS Funds Cont.

6 Branch Goals Requested amount for 2015: $1000
Promotion [$200] Primary focus of increasing awareness within the College and University of IEEE events, meetings, and outreach. Membership Events: Offer fun and interactive events that encourages socializing between engineering students, as well as create a respected social community in the College Professional Events [$300] Professional events such as the S-PAC, seminars, and workshops are organized to promote professional development and networking for students.

7 Student Interest Groups [$500]
Robotics Team Push to increase Team size Primarily focused on competition Designing modular robotics based around ROS

8 Robotics Future Goals Begin to expand and focus more on helping other students learn Design a hands-on curriculum for freshman students based around AVR programming/circuit design for simple robotics

9 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
EMBS Recently formed society within UTSA Will provide professional, social, and technical opportunities Speakers, design teams, and social events made available to student members and community

10 Questions?

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