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Scientists use measurement tools

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1 Scientists use measurement tools
How do Scientists get precise or specific size information about objects? Scientists use measurement tools to make observations that involve numbers Explain: Ask question - How do Scientists get precise or specific size information about objects? After students respond click and show Scientists use measurement tools… Then ask what tools do scientists use to measure length… (ruler, tape measure, meter stick) Click for clip art. What else can these tools measure? (width, height, volume) What metric units are used? (meter, centimeter, millimeter) Continue in same format for mass, weight (Newtons, grams), volume (liters), temperature(Celsius, Fahrenheit and time.

2 The Metric System Scientists have to use a common system of measurement. (or accidents happen) Because of how easy it is, scientists all use the metric system. The metric system does conversions based on the number 10.

3 The Metric System Each type of measurement has a basic unit (ex. Meter, gram, etc.) When you change the unit (bigger or smaller) you change the prefix of the unit. Ex. Meter  Kilometer

4 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

5 What tools do scientists use to measure length or distance?
ruler tape measure meter stick Explore and Explain: Show actual tools. Ask why we use different tools? What are some examples?

6 What is Length? Length- is the distance between two points.

7 Click the image to watch a short video about the meter.
Metric Units km m cm mm What are the metric units for measuring length or distance ? Units include the meter, centimeter and the millimeter. The basic unit of length in the metric system in the meter and is represented by a lowercase m. Metric Units 1 Kilometer (km) = 1000 meters 1 Meter = 100 Centimeters (cm) 1 Meter = 1000 Millimeters (mm) Click the image to watch a short video about the meter. Explore and Explain: Click to show the video on measuring length in metrically. Adapted from T. Trimpe

8 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Ruler, tape measurer, meter stick Length/distance meter Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

9 What tools do scientists use to measure mass?
Balance & gram pieces Pan balance & gram pieces Triple Beam Balance Electronic balance Explain

10 Metric Units kg g What is mass?
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The base unit of mass in the metric system in the gram and is represented by g. Metric Units 1 Kilogram (km) = 1000 Grams (g) 1 Gram (g) = 1000 Milligrams (mg) Click the image to watch a short video about mass. Explore and Explain: Go to the next slide and have students do the tootsie roll observation. Adapted from T. Trimpe

11 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Ruler, tape measurer, meter stick Length/distance meter Balance Mass grams Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

12 What tools do scientists use to measure volume?
Measuring cups Graduated cylinders Beakers Measuring spoons Rulers or meter sticks or tape measures Explain: Show actual tools.

13 Click the image to watch a short video about volume.
kL Metric Units cL mL L What is volume? Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. The base unit of volume in the metric system in the liter and is represented by L or l. Metric Units 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL) 1 milliliter (mL) = 1 cm3 (or cc) = 1 gram (with water) Click the image to watch a short video about volume. Explore: Demonstrate with a liter pitcher and liter measuring cups using colored water. *Which is larger? A. 1 liter or 1500 milliliters B. 200 milliliters or 1.2 liters / Adapted from T. Trimpe

14 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Ruler, tape measurer, meter stick Length/distance meter Balance Mass grams Measuring cup, measuring spoon, graduated cylinder, beaker Volume liter Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

15 What tools do scientists use to measure weight?
Spring Scale Pan Scale Explain

16 What is weight? Weight is the measure of the pull of gravity on an object. What units are used to measure weight? Newtons (N) and grams (g) Explain

17 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Ruler, tape measurer, meter stick Length/distance meter Balance Mass grams Measuring cup, measuring spoon, graduated cylinder, beaker Volume liter Spring scale weight Newton, gram Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

18 What is temperature? Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. It is the measure of the heat or thermal energy in a substance. It is the average speed of the particles in a substance. Explain

19 Measuring Temperature
There are two different scales we will use to measure temperature. Fahrenheit scale – water freezes at 320 and boils at 2120F Celsius (centigrade) scale- water freezes at 00C and boils at 1000C Click on the hyperlink below for an Interactive Thermometer Explore: Have students look at thermometers. Identify the scale and read the room temperature. If temperatures are different, Ask for possible reasons.

20 What tools do scientists use to measure temperature?
Thermometers Explain

21 Scientists Use Measurement Tools
Name of Tool Use of Tool (Quantitative Observation) Metric Units Ruler, tape measurer, meter stick Length/distance meter Balance Mass grams Measuring cup, measuring spoon, graduated cylinder, beaker Volume liter Spring scale weight Newton, gram Thermometer Temperature Fahrenheit, Celsius Explain/Evaluate: Students copy chart in their notebooks and keep a record of tools as they use them. (See slide for 4 for tool images.)

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