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Maximal and Submaximal testing

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Presentation on theme: "Maximal and Submaximal testing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximal and Submaximal testing

2 Maximal “ Athlete works at their maximum and to exhaustion”
Multi Stage Fitness Test 12 minute cooper run

3 Sub- maximal “Athlete works below maximum effort”
EXTRAPOLATION is used to estimate maximum capacity using data found in maximal tests Harvard step test

4 Discussion… MAXIMAL Is the performer working to their maximum?
How are they feeling that day? Are they motivated to push themselves to that level? This can result in some distorted evaluations of fitness Is it right to force participants to work at their maximum. This can lead to exhaustion and injury

5 Discussion… SUBMAXIMAL
These tests are often favoured as they do not require the participant to work at their maximum level and the motivation of the person is not an issue. HOWEVER Most sub max tests rely on estimating or predicting maximum work capacity through using date (extrapolation). This can result in problems with reliability and validity

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