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Othello Mrs. Luehrs HWL.

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Presentation on theme: "Othello Mrs. Luehrs HWL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Othello Mrs. Luehrs HWL

2 Independent Reading SWBAT: Choose a book for their independent reading assignment. Review list Assignment Check out book Othello

3 Othello Day 2 SWBAT: understand the ideas of rumors and their destructive powers. Vocab lists 1-3 Character connection chart AoW

4 Othello Vocab 1 abhor bombast timorous lascivious promulgate
mountebank satiety voluble lechery egregious alacrity, defunct, taint, scion, usurp

5 Othello Vocab 2 Censure Dilatory Penitent Ruminate Vehement Edify
Castigation Venial Dotage Fulsome

6 Othello Vocab 3 Bawdy Peevish Expostulate Troth Rapier Maim Iteration
Odious Smite Reprobation

7 Create a chart within your notes linking each of the main characters.
Iago Desdemona Othello Emilia Cassio Brabantio Bianca (she will show up later) Roderigo Leave room to add to the character descriptions and to add more arrow connections in the future.

8 Othello Day 3-10 SWBAT: Read and comprehend Othello.

9 Act I Scene i Character Student Roderigo Aleksis Iago Melanie
Brabantio Shelby

10 Act I Scene ii Iago Melanie Othello Jake Cassio Christian Brabantio

11 Act I scene iii Duke Abby First Senator Christian Second Senator
Sailor Officer Messenger Alejandra Othello Jake Brabantio Shelby Desdemona Savannah Roderigo Aleksis Iago Melanie

12 Act II scene 1 Montano Abby First Gentleman Second Gentleman
Third Gentleman Cassio Christian Messenger Desdemona Savannah Iago Melanie Emilia Shelby Othello Jake Roderigo Aleksis

13 Act II Scene ii Herald Christian

14 Act 2 Scene iii Othello Jake Cassio Christian Iago Melanie Montano
Abby Desdemona Savannah Roderigo Aleksis Gentleman Shelby

15 Act 3 Scene i Cassio Clown Musician Iago Emilia

16 Act 3 scene 2 Othello Iago Gentlemen

17 Act 3 scene 3 Desdemona Emilia Cassio Iago Othello

18 Act 3 scene 4 Desdemona Clown Emilia Othello Iago Bianca

19 Act 4 Scene 1 Iago Othello Cassio Bianca Desdemona Lodovico

20 Act 4 Scene 2 Othello Emilia Desdemona Iago Roderigo

21 Act 4 Scene 3 Lodovico Othello Desdemona Emilia

22 Story Impressions Roderigo Rapier Cassio Screams Iago Corpse Othello
Kiss Desdemona Handkerchief Confession Emilia Realization Remorse Dagger Using the following 15 words, make a story guess at what will happen in the final Act of Othello. Your story guess needs to be minimum 1.5 pages. Spelling and grammar matter. Turned in at the end of the period for points. These exact words must appear within your story and in the order they appear on the screen. CIRCLE THEM! If you have finished Othello– have fun with this (make something up).

23 Act 5 Scene 1 Iago Roderigo Cassio Othello Gratiano Lodovico Bianca

24 Act 5 Scene 2 Othello Desdemona Emilia Montano Iago Gratiano Lodovico

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