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Pre-hospital Advanced Airway Management in the Central Denmark Region

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1 Pre-hospital Advanced Airway Management in the Central Denmark Region
Rognås L 1,2,3,4, Hansen TM 3,4, Kirkegaard H 5, Tønnesen E6 Multiple endotracheal intubation attempts were associated with a two to three-fold increased in the overall incidence of complications Pre-hospital advanced airway management was withheld in 32.1 % of the cases, most commonly because of the patient’s condition or co-morbidity The most frequently used alternative treatment was bag-mask ventilation. Immediate complications related to the decision of not performing pre-hospital advanced airway management occurred in 0.6% of the cases (n=2) Conclusions An improved first pass success rate during pre-hospital endotracheal intubation may further reduce the incidences of immediate airway management related complications in our service Pre-hospital advanced airway management requires advanced critical decision making References Rognås L, Hansen TM, Kirkegaard H, Tønnesen E: Pre-hospital advanced airway management by experienced anaesthesiologists: a prospective descriptive study. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 2013, 21:58. Rognås L, Hansen TM, Kirkegaard H, Tønnesen E: Refraining from pre-hospital advanced airway management: a prospective observational study in an anaesthesiologist-staffed pre-hospital critical care service. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 2013, 21:75. Affiliations 1Department of research and development, Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation 2Pre-hospital Critical Care Service, Department of Anaesthesiology, Viborg Regional Hospital 3Pre-hospital Critical Care Service Aarhus University Hospital 4Department of Pre-hospital Medical Services, Central Denmark Region 5Centre for Emergency Medicine Research, Aarhus University Hospital 6Department of Anaesthesiology, Aarhus University Hospital * Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg ** Oxygen saturation < 90% Background Airway management is a vital skill for every pre-hospital critical care practitioner There are important knowledge gaps regarding the quality of airway management in physician-staffed pre-hospital critical care systems We present data from one of the first prospective studies conducted according to the Utstein-style template for reporting data from pre-hospital advanced airway management. Materials and Methods Prospectively gathered data from consecutive patients of all ages treated by eight anaesthesiologist-staffed pre-hospital critical care teams in the Central Denmark Region. 21 months ( ) Inclution criteria: patients where pre-hospital advanced airway management were performed or considered but waived Results 1081 patients included The overall incidence of successful pre-hospital endotracheal intubation (n=636) was 99.7 % In total, 22.4 % of the pre-hospital endotracheal intubations required more than one intubation attempt The overall incidence of complications was 7.9% No airway management related deaths occurred Following rapid sequence intubation (RSI) first-pass success rate was 85.8 % the overall incidence of complications was 22.0 % the incidence of post-RSI hypotension* was 7.3% the incidence of post-RSI hypoxia** was 5.3%

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