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2 Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Two Treatises Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles

3 Lesson 41 – In Athens 17:16-34 Response to Paul’s sermon vv. 32-34
Upon hearing “resurrection of the dead,” some began to “sneer” v. 32a Others said, “We’ll hear you again…” v. 32b Still others believed, joined Paul v. 34

4 Paul’s 2nd Journey © MANNA

5 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Before Paul leaves Athens, Timothy rejoins him 1 Thess 3:1-2, 5 cp. Acts 17:15 Paul sent him back to Thessalonica to check on the Christians re: their persecution Silas returned & left with Timothy, but must have gone elsewhere v Thess 3:2

6 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul comes to Corinth v. 1
He meets Aquila & Priscilla vv. 2-3 Expelled from Rome with all the other Jews Tent-makers…a common interest with Paul Likely converted by Paul…they become important co-workers Rom 16: Cor 16:19

7 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul continued to reason in the Jewish synagogue, “trying to persuade both Jews & Greeks” v. 4 Paul was afraid in Corinth 1 Cor 2:3 He came there alone 1 Thess 3:1

8 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul continued to reason in the Jewish synagogue, “trying to persuade both Jews & Greeks” v. 4 Paul was afraid in Corinth 1 Cor 2:3 He was no doubt worried about how the Thessalonians were doing 1 Thess 2:8

9 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul continued to reason in the Jewish synagogue, “trying to persuade both Jews & Greeks” v. 4 Paul was afraid in Corinth 1 Cor 2:3 Results in Athens had not been that good Acts 17:4, 12, 32-34

10 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Timothy & Silas come from Macedonia v. 5a They bring financial support 2 Cor 11:7-9 Paul “began devoting himself completely to the word” [NASV] Timothy also brings a good report re: the faith of the Thessalonians 1 Thess 3:6-10

11 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul continues to testify re: Jesus v. 5b The Jews’ response was “typical” v. 6a Paul “shook out his garment” and once again would turn to the Gentiles v. 6b cp. 13:46, 51

12 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 Paul’s success in Corinth vv. 7-8
Titius Justus (synagogue neighbor) Crispus (synagogue ruler) 1 Cor 1:14 Many Corinthians (Gentiles) 1 Cor 6:9-11 The Lord sends Paul a vision vv. 9-10

13 Lesson 42 – In Corinth 18:1-17 The Lord sends Paul a vision vv. 9-10
“Don’t be afraid” cp. 1 Cor 2:3 “Keep preaching” “I have many in this city” cp. 2 Tim 2:19 Paul stayed & taught for 18 months v. 11

14 The Christians At Thessalonica
Paul's First Letter To... The Christians At Thessalonica

15 Paul's First Letter To Events Leading Up To The Epistle…
The Christians At Thessalonica Events Leading Up To The Epistle… Paul persuades & converts multitudes in Thessalonica Acts 17:2-4 “Some” Jews…“Multitudes” of Greeks Jealous Jews cause a riot and mistreat these new Christians Acts 17:5-9 Paul is forced to leave Acts 17:10

16 Paul's First Letter To Events Leading Up To The Epistle…
The Christians At Thessalonica Events Leading Up To The Epistle… Paul “more than once” wanted to return, but could not 1 Thess 2: Acts 17:9 “Enduring it no longer,” Paul sent Timothy from Athens 1 Thess 3:1-2, 5 Timothy rejoins Paul in Corinth, brings a favorable report 1 Thess 3:6-10

17 Paul's First Letter To The Epistle…
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… An expression of thanks for them 1:2-10 He prayed for them v. 2 He reminds them of the persecutions they had already faced v. 6 cp. Acts 17:5-9 They were well spoken of v. 8 They had left idolatry to serve God v. 9


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