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2 Grace Community Church Acts 18:1-17
HOPE FOR CHANGE (STRATEGIES IN EVANGELISM) Week 1 : How to make godly changes Grace Community Church Acts 18:1-17

3 Every believer can make godly changes if they are willing to take three crucial steps in their Christian life

4 Following in the Apostle Paul’s Footsteps (Background) Acts 18:1 “After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth.” Athens Boston Corinth NYC Los Angeles Ephesus

5 Corinth “korintheazdo Literally “to Corintheanize”
A word synonomous with fornication

6 “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling”
I Corinthians 2:3 “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling” The first step you need to take acknowledge where you are –ABSOLUTE HONESTY

7 Acts 18:5 “When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.”

8 Acts 18:5 THEY ARRIVED! They reminded Paul God was at indeed at work
They provided Paul with the ability to deepen his work (monetarily) They encouraged him to stay faithful in the work Summary: THEY WERE PART OF THE BIBLICAL COMMUNITY PAUL PARTICIPATED IN!

9 Acts 18:5 If you want to make godly changes:
The second step is for you to accept what you need BIBLICAL COMMUNITY

10 When we acknowledge where we are (absolute honesty)
When we accept what we need (biblical community) – we are positioned to take ground

11 Third step is you must apply what you know (WORKING SPIRITUALITY)
Acts 18:9-11 “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you and not is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Third step is you must apply what you know (WORKING SPIRITUALITY)

12 Three things for Paul & Us
 Do something – “Keep on speaking” (DO what you know is right) Remember something – “I am with you” (God’s in control) See something – “I have many people in this city” (God is at work)

13 Every believer can make godly changes if they are willing to take three crucial steps in their Christian life Step 1: Acknowledging where you are – ABSOLUTE HONESTY Step 2: Accept what you need – BIBLICAL COMMUNITY Step 3: Apply what you know – WORKING SPIRITUALITY


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