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Presentation on theme: "MACBETH BACKGROUND INFORMATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Real Macbeth The Death of King Malcolm II
His last command- Oldest grandson(Duncan) Macbeth overthrew Duncan and conquered the throne 1040 The murder of Macbeth by Malcolm III 1058

3 Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Shakespeare adopted and adapted Macbeth for the purpose of the drama. He was influenced by events that occurred in his time period

4 Macbeth: Setting Many times put into one
Mainly based in 10Th century Scotland Sources from the 11th century Map of Medieval Scotland

5 Events and history at the time of the play

6 The Norse Invasion Scotland was invaded by Vikings or Norsemen during the time that the play takes place

7 Witchcraft and Supernatural
Medieval Scotland believed in witches Witches made prophecies – affected outcome Macbeth encounters witches

8 Witches from Macbeth

9 Beliefs During Shakespeare’s time
The Great Chain of Being Divine right of Kings Kings have healing powers

10 The Gowrie Conspiracy August 5th 1600
Assassination attempt  King James I Thief was going to kill the King

11 The Gunpowder Plot November 5th 1605
Group of Catholics opposed to protestant monarchy Assassination attempt on King, family, government Man with a match and gunpowder found

12 Trial of Father Henry Garnet
Was a part of the gunpowder plot Equivocation = using words with multiple/unclear meanings (Catholics used this) Being Catholic = crime The subject of equivocation is discussed in Macbeth

13 Queen Elizabeth The plays during the time of queen Elizabeth where generally happy and optimistic Example:

14 King James I of England Macbeth contained the interest of king James I: Witchcraft and the supernatural (King James wrote a paper Family tree of Scottish royalty The topic of the ideal king (King James wrote a book) Scotland – the king was King James IV of Scotland

15 Thanks for Listening! 


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