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Neo Noir Context.

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1 Neo Noir Context

2 Early Neo Noir Neo Noir is a genre which uses elements from the genre Film Noir. Neo Noir is often used to describe films but critics are often very strict about what they call a “Neo Noir”. Neo Noir can be dated back to as soon as the Film Noir era finished.

3 Blade Runner (1982, Ridley Scott)
Blade Runner is a Science Fiction film set in Los Angeles in An ex cop must stop a group of tyrant Replicants (robots), who seek to extend their four year life span. The film uses elements taken from Film Noir’s repertoire of elements. There is the idea of the depressed, trench coat wearing smoking cop. In addition the woman is a Femme Fetale, who decepets Deckard in hunt of more life. In addition she smokes like the classic Femme Fetale.

4 Brick (2005, Johnson) Brick is a film which is undoubtedly a Neo Noir genre film. It stars Joseph Gordon Levitt and follows the story of Brandon who looks for his girlfriend who has fallen in the drug world. Through deception and violence Brandon infiltrates the gang world being manipulated unknowingly by a femme fetale character. The story is a epitome of Neo Noir.

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