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Bell Work 2/21/17 New Seats! (Come see me for your new seat and table)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 2/21/17 New Seats! (Come see me for your new seat and table)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 2/21/17 New Seats! (Come see me for your new seat and table)
Take out your notebook and answer this question: How do you think you did on the Unit Test Friday? What may have caused the grade you received?

2 Agenda: Unit Test Discussion New Unit Packet Pre Test and Goal Setting
Corrections/Test Make Up Days New Unit Packet Learning Target Tracking Sheet Pre Test All notes for unit. If you lose your packet, you must HANDWRITE all your class notes. Pre Test and Goal Setting

3 Advisory I have students coming in to take the test.
It needs to STAY SILENT until everyone is done testing. If you cannot stay quiet you will be sent to AIC in Pod 54.

4 Bell Work 2-22-17 Create a new Cornell Notes page Title: Imperialism
Essential Question: How did the Industrial Revolution cause European nations to take over colonies in Africa & Asia?



7 What is Imperialism?

8 Age of Imperialism (1800-1914) What is Imperialism?
From 1850 to 1914, the strong, industrialized countries of the world (England, France, Germany, USA) dominated many of the weaker countries of the world & controlled all aspects of their lives

9 Why did industrialized nations imperialize
Why did industrialized nations imperialize? Exploring the Motivations for Imperialism Group Activity

10 Is imperialism a good idea?
Should the United States consider taking over new lands? Why or why not? Where would you suggest we conquer? What would we gain or lose by doing so?

11 Why did the Industrialized Nations of Europe Imperialize?

12 Why did the Industrialized Nations of the World Imperialize?
Each country in Europe wanted to be the most important & powerful nation Having a lot of overseas colonies showed power This turned into an all-out race for the best colonies & most numerous colonies

13 Why did the Industrialized Nations of the World Imperialize?
The Industrial Revolution caused a huge demand for more raw materials so countries could make more factory-produced goods The Industrial Revolution caused a huge demand for new overseas markets to sell their finished goods

14 Why did the Industrialized Nations of the World Imperialize?
Christian missionaries attempted to convert the “uncivilized” natives in the world by setting up churches, schools, & hospitals Europeans believed in “Social Darwinism” that whites are the most superior race Europeans believed in the “White Man’s Burden” that they had a responsibility to civilize the world

15 There’s More Than One Type of Imperialism?!?
Yeah, but don’t call the CoPS! (Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence)

16 Europeans send governors to directly rule a colony
Local rulers remain in place, but the European “mother country” makes all the real decisions European countries have exclusive trading rights in territory

17 Multi-flow Map (Cause & Effect)
Take out a sheet of blank paper. Create a cause and effect thinking map that outlines the major motivations (causes) for imperialism and what you THINK will be some effects. FORMATIVE #1 (Fill this in for Learning Target #1 assignment)

18 Cause & Effects of Imperialism

19 What is Imperialism?

20 The White Man’s Burden

21 Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. Take up the White Man's burden-- In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride; By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain To seek another's profit, And work another's gain. What does this mean? What does he mean by this? What does he mean by this?

22 Take up the White Man's burden-- The savage wars of peace-- Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought, Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought. Take up the White Man's burden-- No tawdry rule of kings, But toil of serf and sweeper-- The tale of common things. The ports ye shall not enter, The roads ye shall not tread, Go mark them with your living, And mark them with your dead. What does he mean by this?

23 What is the message of this poem?
Take up the White Man's burden-- And reap his old reward: The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard-- The cry of hosts ye humour (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:-- "Why brought he us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?" Take up the White Man's burden-- Ye dare not stoop to less-- Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloke (1) your weariness; By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples Shall weigh your gods and you. Take up the White Man's burden-- Have done with childish days-- The lightly proferred laurel, (2) The easy, ungrudged praise. Comes now, to search your manhood Through all the thankless years Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers! What is the message of this poem?

24 Response Questions: What is the white man’s burden?
Who’s duty is it of the industrialized nations? What is the perception (image) of the native people? Do we (as the USA) still have this opinion today?

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