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Warm-up: Industrialization in the U.S. brought a tremendous surplus of goods…Describe in a paragraph what choices the U.S. manufacturers had to reduce.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Industrialization in the U.S. brought a tremendous surplus of goods…Describe in a paragraph what choices the U.S. manufacturers had to reduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Industrialization in the U.S. brought a tremendous surplus of goods…Describe in a paragraph what choices the U.S. manufacturers had to reduce their surplus and still make money.

2 Becoming A World Power Manifest Destiny?

3 Isolationism Isolationism—the policy of a country not taking part in international alliances, leagues, etc. Policy established by George Washington in his farewell address Later, Monroe Doctrine of 1823 emphasized the U.S.’s desire to keep the Americas separate from Europe

4 Nationalism Nationalism: doctrine that national interests are more important than international considerations; devotion to one’s nation; patriotism Expanded empires = empirical powers Broadened Manifest Destiny ideal

5 Imperialism Imperialism—the policy of establishing colonies and building empires Europe and Asia found imperialism answered the need motivated by trade, adventure, power, profit, idealism, national patriotism, and raw materials to fuel their markets By 1890, the U.S. became eager to join in the imperialism movement

6 Factors For US Imperialism
Economic factor Growth of industry needed new markets US markets had huge surplus; couldn’t consume fast enough Nationalist factor Competition for large empires More international power Militaristic factor Protect American security & interests More power = more military = more bases around the world Humanitarian Factor Duty to spread blessings of Christianity and modern civilization People had a right to govern themselves

7 Spanish-American War pages 144-150 in text
Effects Causes Spanish- American War

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