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Online Safety By Shishir.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Safety By Shishir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Safety By Shishir

2 Table of Contents - Understanding Dangers Online Slide 3
-Exercising Your Cyber-Sense Slide 4 -Protecting Yourself From the Dark Side of the Internet Slide 5 -Bullying in a High-Tech World Slide 6 -Dealing with Cyber Bullying Slide 7 -Becoming Respectful Internet Citizens Slide 8 -Using the Internet Responsibly Slide 9 -Taking the Surfer’s Pledge Slide 10

3 Understanding Dangers Online
- The internet is a great way of finding information for projects, for entertainment and to stay connect with friends over-seas -The internet is also very dangerous. People can sometimes find where you live, steal your identity, humiliate you and lie to you. That’s why learning about internet safety is so crucial to your safety Top 5 Dangers online 1. Internet strangers: People who are and waiting to take advantage of you and your information 2. Cyberbullying: A type of bullying that uses technology to hurt and humiliate you. 3. Information theft: When people rob your personal information, for example Pin numbers, important passwords and in some cases your entire identity. 4. Inappropriate content or images: images or information about things that you don’t want to see or know about. 5.Damaging software: Programs or viruses that can invade your computer.

4 Exercising Your Cyber-Sense
- When your chatting with a group of people every night for a week, but you’ve never met these people. 1 of them asks for your phone number. What do you do? Tell the person that you don’t think exchanging personnel information is the safest answer -You get an with an attachment from someone you don’t know. What do you do? You should delete the message immediately because it may contain viruses or inappropriate content -Your friends tell you to go check out a website. When you check it out you realize that the website is about listing reasons to hate students at your school. What do you do? You should inform an adult immediately because bullying is no joke.

5 Protecting Yourself From the Dark Side of the Web
Indentifying the dark side of the web can be difficult. That’s because the dark side hides in the bright, cheery side and can disguise itself. Know where the dark side hides and use your cyber sense to stay in the light. Stay out of stranger danger! Never give out personnel information Use simple, innocent sounding names because inappropriate names can attract the wrong kind of attention Stay in charge of your chats and if you feel pushed around to give out information, or asked to do things you don’t want to do, leave the conversation Never send pictures online because anyone can see it or change it. You have no control over that picture anymore Save copies of chats that make you feel uncomfortable because they can be used as evidence later on. Never meet someone in person that you met online because he or she might want to hurt you even if the person you chatted with you talked to a hundred times Downloading Always be aware of what you download because a virus might just take over your computer Think about the links your going to because one could download software onto your computer and damage it. Delete s from people you don’t know. Never open s that have attachments from people you don’t know because they can carry viruses. You can also store all of this junk in to your spam

6 Bullying in a High-Tech World
For bullies, the internet has made it easy to pick on people and point out others. For the bully victims, the internet has it harder to escape because it follows you around everywhere you go. Common types of Cyber Bullying Flaming: Posting hurtful messages about a person, or images of them, online. Harassment: Sending continuous hurtful messages to someone online. Impersonation: Pretending to be someone in order to post messages online to make them look bad Outing: Posting someone's private information public Gossip: Spreading or posting along rumors about someone to hurt them.

7 Dealing With Cyber Bullying
Cyber Bullies often hide behind a computer screen. Cyber bullies may never actually bully you face to face. But even though they are faceless, they often all share the same characteristics. Cyber bullies often feel they’re invincible -Since they feel they can’t be seen, they think it’s alright to say something that they may not say in real life. -The cyber bully knows that it’s harder to catch them then if they bullied someone face to face If you’re being bullied -Keep your cool: No matter how badly you want to respond to a hurtful , don’t do it. Bullies only want to play the game. If you don’t respond , you’re not playing their game and the bully might stop. -Shut the bully out: Block the bully’s, address, screen name, or telephone number. Don’t let the bully have any access to you. -Tell the bully to stop: Tell the bully, clearly and strongly, to stop what there doing. If you can tell the bully face to face, bring your friends as support. If it continues -Save any hurtful messages that have been sent to you for evidence that you have been bullied - Tell an adult because they probably have experience with bullies. Adults also have power, so they can contact the school principal, internet providers or cell phone companies.

8 Becoming Respectful Internet Citizens
There are 4 different types of internet citizen -The observer: They watch what’s happening online, but never take part. The alter-ego: You do things on the internet that you would never do online. You feel that breaking some rules are ok because you feel that you’re invisible - The Follower: You feel that if your friends or family members are doing it, it’s okay to follow along The super-citizen: You feel empathy for the people on line and care for how others feel. You follow rules that your family has created for the internet How to be a Super-Citizen 1. Don’t spam other people and question if the your sending is very important 2. Keep other peoples personal information private. Don’t give away other peoples information online and when you’re sending a use Bcc (blind carbon copy), so you can keep your friends address safe. 3. Feel empathy for other people: Try to be kind and considerate when using the internet. 4. Be safe: Protect yourself and you personal information. 5. Be honest and fair: Don’t do things that you know are wrong 6. Never take part in bullying behavior: Bulling is wrong , so don’t do it! Mind your Manners: 1. Use the manners you would use at home or school 2. Don’t be rude or use inappropriate language on the internet 3. Don’t write in all capital letters: It’s like your YELLING 4. Never break the law 5. Be patient and forgiving 6. Make sure people know when you’re joking

9 Using the Internet Responsibly
Your Embarrassment: Whatever you post on the internet can be seen by your parents, grand parents, principle and so on. Your Reputation: Everything you say or do on the internet is recorded and leaves a type of footprint. Most of these footprints will stay on the internet for a very long time, maybe even forever. Cyber Survey 1.You Parents told you to never post a picture of yourself on the internet, but you did anyway. Now the person that you sent the picture to is threatening to post your picture all over the web unless you do what he says. What do you do? Confess, even though it might be embarrassing or you might get in to some trouble, but if you don’t you could be putting yourself in a much more dangerous or embarrassing situation 2. You accidently download something to your family computer and now offensive pop-ups won’t stop opening and you don’t know how to fix the problem. Turn off your computer and ask a an adult for help. Embarrassing pop-ups might show up, But they aren’t your fault. You’ve downloaded a virus. So remember too know what your downloading before clicking “Yes” 3. Your going to meet someone you met online. Your parents don’t know where your going. But, when you meet the person you realize sweetsally12 is actually scaryberry45. What do you do? Run and get help right away. Call an adult, the police or even somebody close by on the street. Whatever you do don't get near the person. NEVER meet someone in person you've met online. 4. You've just taken part of an online fight. You have said extremely rude, hurtful and embarrassing things. You feel terrible about your actions. What do you do? Apologize on the internet and in person. If you say things that you feel are wrong you must apologize immediately. Think very carefully of what you send.

10 Taking the Surfer's Pledge
Taking the surfer's pledge means that you will be responsible and respectful citizens of the internet. You understand that not using the internet responsibly or respectfully could have serious consequences.  That means you will use your cyber-sense and: -Never share any of your personal information online -Never post or send pictures of yourself without getting an adults permission first. -Never meet someone you've met online in person without getting my parents supervision. If I am allowed to meet someone I've met online I will bring an adult with me for my first time meeting them. -will tell an adult if anything on the internet makes me feel upset, scared or uncomfortable -will do my best to protect my computer from viruses by checking what you're downloading before you do it -will protect my identity and also the identity of my family members and friends -will show respect to those I talk to on the internet  -will not send or post hurtful or embarrassing  messages on the internet -will tell an adult if I am being cyber-bullied

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