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Design and Control of an LED-based Intelligent Lamp using Microcontroller Presenters: Taslim Ahmed ( ) Samar Chowdhury ( ) Khokan Das ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Control of an LED-based Intelligent Lamp using Microcontroller Presenters: Taslim Ahmed ( ) Samar Chowdhury ( ) Khokan Das ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Control of an LED-based Intelligent Lamp using Microcontroller Presenters: Taslim Ahmed (07510059) Samar Chowdhury (10310155) Khokan Das (07510036) Supervisor: Sheik Md. Kazi Nazrul Islam Lecturer, Dept. of ECE

2 1. Introduction 2. Microcontroller 3. LDR 4. LED 5. Buzzer and LCD (Liquid crystal display) 6. Block diagram of the system 7. Components of the system 8. Schematic diagram 9. Simulation results 10. Test and Results 11. PCB design 12. Program code 13. Comparison with previous work 14. Conclusion

3  “The Design and Control of an LED-based Intelligent Lamp Using Microcontroller” – is done on the basis of Simulation and Implementation. The Simulation is done by the Software “Proteus 7.7 professional” and Implemented the Result by practically integrating the devices.  In this process we controlled the operation of an LED lamp and designed the power supply unit to provide biasing for microcontroller, LCD and other devices.  An LDR used as a Light sensor which has a negative coefficient of resistance.  A Buzzer is also interfaced to alarm when the LED turns ON.

4  To design a microcontroller based LED (Lamp) control system.  To control the ON/OFF state of LED (Lamp).  To alarm when the LED is turned ON.  To control its blinking capability.  To control its color changing.  To simulate and debug the system design.  To integrate the whole system compactly in a PCB (Printed Circuit Board).

5 Figure 1.1. Pin diagram of microcontroller (ATmega8)

6 Figure 1.2. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)Figure 1.3. Characteristic curve of an LDR

7 Figure 1.4. Generic single color LED (on left) and Bicolor LED (on right)

8 Figure 1.6. Piezo buzzer Figure 1.7. Pin diagram of LCD (LM016L)

9 Figure 2.1. Block diagram of an LED-based intelligent lamp using microcontroller

10 Table 3.1 Components of the microcontroller based intelligent LED (lamp) system Component NameQuantityReferenceValue Resistor5 R1,R4, R2,R3,R5, POT/VAR 330,10k,100,1k, 10k Capacitor2C1,C21000u, 220u Integrated Circuit2U1, U2Atmega8,7805 Transistors1Q1BC337 Diodes7D1-D7 1N4007 (4), LED-Yellow, LED-red (2) Miscellaneous5Buzzer, LCD, LDR, Transformer LCD LM016L, step-down transformer ( 220V ac to 12V dc)

11 Figure 3.1 Practical schematic diagram of an LED-based intelligent lamp using microcontroller

12 Figure 4.1(a) RTV (51%) > SV; LED lamp is OFF (50%)’ and no alarm sounds

13 Figure 4.1(b) RTV (51%) < SV (52%); buzzer alarms for 1 second

14 Figure 4.1(c) RTV (51%) < SV (52%); LED lamp is ON (Yellow) for 1 second

15 Figure 4.1(d) RTV (51%) < SV (52%); LED lamp is OFF for 1s

16 Figure 4.1(e) RTV (51%) < ‘SV (52%); LED lamp is ON (Red) for 1s

17 Figure 4.1(f) RTV (34%) > SV (33%); LED lamp is OFF by varying the POT or Set Voltage

18 Figure 4.2(a) RTV (2.49V or 51%) < SV (2.59V or 52%); the buzzer alarms for 1s

19 Figure 4.2(b) RTV (2.49V) < SV (2.59V); LED bicolor is ON (blinking and color changing) for 1s

20 Figure 4.2(c) ON RTV (4.998V) > SV (2.499V); LED and buzzer, both are OFF

21 Table 4.1 Results of change in circuit parameters with respect to change in light intensity LDR V. (V) SET V. (V) Micro- controller Decision I Buzzer (A)I LDR (A)I Lamp (A)I T(system) (A)V T (V) P T (W) Buzzer State LED State 4.762.50LDR V.> SET V. 19 p480 u48 n977.3 u ( LED OFF )54.88 mAlarm OFF OFF 3.332.50LDR V.> SET V. 19 p340 u48 n834.3 u ( LED OFF )54.17 mAlarm OFF OFF 2.50 LDR V.> SET V. 19 p250 u48 n750.9 u ( LED OFF )53.75 mAlarm OFF OFF 1.662.50LDR V.< SET V. 490 u167 u22.8 m ( LED ON ) 48 n ( LED OFF ) 1.2 m (Buzzer-ON, LED OFF) 23.5 m (Buzzer-OFF, LED ON) 667.5 u (Buzzer and LED OFF) 56 m (Buzzer ON, LED OFF) 117.5 m (Buzzer OFF, LED ON) 3.34 m (Buzzer and LED,OFF) Alarm ON-1s Yellow-OFF- Red 0.832.50LDR V.< SET V. 19 p84 u22.8 m ( LED ON ) 48 n ( LED OFF ) 23.4 m ( LED ON ) 504.1 u( LED OFF ) 5117 m (Buzzer OFF, LED ON) 2.7 m (Buzzer and LED,OFF) Alarm OFF Yellow-OFF- Red 0.052.50LDR V.< SET V. 19 p5 u22.8 m ( LED ON ) 48 n ( LED OFF ) 23.3 m ( LED ON ) 365.9 u( LED OFF ) 5116.5 m (Buzzer OFF, LED ON) 1.83 m (Buzzer and LED,OFF) Alarm OFF Yellow-OFF- Red

22 Figure 4.4(d) design of PCB of the system

23 while (1) {adc=read_adc(4)/10; lcd_clear(); lcd_gotoxy(0,0); lcd_putsf("UITS Int. LAMP "); sprintf(lcd,"LDR Voltage=%d%c",adc,37); lcd_gotoxy(0,1); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(500); if(adc>(read_adc(3)/10)) { PORTB.1=0;PORTC.1=1;PORTC.2=1;m=0;} if(adc<(read_adc(3)/10)&&m==0) { PORTB.1=1;delay_ms(1000);PORTB.1=0;delay_ms(1000);m=1;} if(adc<(read_adc(3)/10)) {PORTC.1=1;PORTC.2=0;delay_ms(1000);PORTC.1=1; PORTC.2=1;delay_ms( 1000);PORTC.1=0;PORTC.2=1;delay_ms(1000); PORTC.1=1;PORTC.2=1;delay_ms (500); } }

24 Figure 4.5 View of practically implemented system

25 FeaturesPrevious workThis work LED BlinkingYes LED Color changingNoYes Change in Blinking PatternYes; by hardware (switch)Yes; by software (code) MicrocontrollerPIC16F84AATmega8 Programming LanguageAssemblyProgramming Language C DisplayNoLCD Alarm (Buzzer)NoYes Software SimulationNoYes Device integrationon Bread board and Strip boardon PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Table 4.1 Results of change in circuit parameters with respect to change in light intensity

26  The total system is very automated, intelligent and controlled to its operation.  LDR shows a negative coefficient of resistance and acts as ‘short circuit’ (voltage drop 0V, approximately) at maximum light and as ‘open circuit’ (voltage drop 5V, approximately) at minimum light intensity; which assures a good identity of LDR as light sensor.  Requires less than 1 µA (current), 5mW (power) during standby and less than 25mA (current), 120mW (power) during automated blinking sequences (Yellow-Off-Red); where the buzzer consumes less than 0.5mW power, only.  By varying a POT/VAR, the operation states of the LED is preferably changed for a corresponding intensity of light.  The total system is integrated compactly in a PCB board.

27 27 If you have any question we will appreciate …

28 Thank u for being with us… 28

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