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SMART® Anaesthesia course (Structured Management Airway Response Team)

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1 SMART® Anaesthesia course (Structured Management Airway Response Team)
Just Technical Excellence is Not Enough!! Learn Human Factors to improve safety SMART® Anaesthesia course (Structured Management Airway Response Team) Thursday 18th May and 19th October 2017 Venue: Clinical Sciences Building University Hospital, Coventry CV2 2DX SMART a one-day course for anaesthetists-ODP teams is a unique blend of expert teachings and insights based on well-backed scientific evidence that can help you recognise, prevent and overcome human limitations and fallibilities. It involves interactive team training, simulation, airway- technical skills, Error Avoidance strategy, Human Factors in crisis management and practical briefing and debriefing skills. Course Fee: Consultant Anaesthetist: £150, SAS / Trainee Anaesthetist: £120, One ODP/ Nurse from same hospital can accompany free. Individual anaesthetists and theatre team members are welcome to apply (ODP/ Nurse Course fee £75) Approved for 5 CPD points (1I02, 1I03, 1B02, 1C02, 2A01) The places are limited so please book as early as possible. For further details please contact Rachel on Fax: ,

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