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Modernization of Navigation Statistics Publishing

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1 Modernization of Navigation Statistics Publishing
Dale Brown Chief, Waterborne Data Collection and Management Office Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center Institute for Water Resources U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 18 Sep 17

2 Modernization Goals Faster processing and dissemination
Increase frequency of released data Data format modernization Maintain and enhance quality The primary function of the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC), under the authority of the Rivers & Harbors Act of 1922, is to collect, process, distribute, and archive commercial vessel trip and cargo data.

3 Faster Processing and Dissemination
Reduce collection time Operator communication Reduce processing time QC data on input rather than QC after aggregation Improve communications with operators More electronic input New data sources Reduce publication time Publication production from multistep/multi-person to single button publication QC publication process rather than output

4 Waterborne Cargo & Vessel Data
Faster Processing and Dissemination International Trade Data System (ITDS) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a “single window” system for processing trade-related import and export data required by Government Agencies WCSC, an ITDS Partner Government Agency, accesses data provided to the ACE system via custom reports and data feeds Waterborne Cargo & Vessel Data Partner Government Agencies Trade Partners U.S. Customs & Border Protection Goal Area: Improved Process Speed

5 Increase frequency of released data
Moving from annual release to quarterly and perhaps monthly release Expand current quarterly report Include more waterways Include Top Port Reports Include Vessel Summary Include USACE project statistics

6 Data Format Modernization
Streamline GIS data production Create tools for easy GIS extraction Create port and project maps Update database Link geometric objects by location New products Socrata – new Open Data portal Web Publications – existing website Civil Works Business Intelligence (CWBI) viewer

7 Data Format Modernization Socrata
Replace static files on and provide data on Corps Lock usage and performance Next phase of reports will incorporate information on Waterborne Commerce Statistics and the Corps Dredging Program

8 Data Format Modernization Civil Works Business Intelligence (CWBI)
Included will be a geospatial tool for representing WCSC data along multiple US waterways

9 Maintain and Enhance Quality
Improve code maintenance Cloud migration Compliant production servers Improve product accuracy as speed increases Unit tests New products will require enhanced data accuracy Location criteria has changed While we are still maintaining both the security and confidentially of the data

10 Maintain and Enhance Quality Cloud Migration
Moving applications and data from physical servers to virtual servers Remotely managed  external agency ensures the continued operation of our server, liberating WCSC from maintaining hardware and software Scalable  capacity can be expanded rapidly and easily without the cumbersome requirement of physically changing the configuration of a computer Enhanced reliability  reduced downtime of servers

11 Maintain and Enhance Quality Database Redesign
Improving understandability of the database making for a simpler, more easily understood data model Moving from an organically designed group of tables to a relational database Moving to consistent naming conventions Implementing a consistent key design Enhancing efficiency allowing for rapid data access Moving from a disorganized, highly complicated system to a simple, relational database design Leveraging the technology available in new versions of Oracle Reducing redundancy inherent in the current design Ensuring and enforcing data integrity Preventing duplication of data Using views to eliminate unnecessary table replications Using foreign key constraints

12 Maintain and Enhance Quality Addressing AIS/Dock Location Errors
Dock ≈ 1,300 m away from AIS reading Programmatically checking the database against GIS automatic tracking data used by vessel traffic services to discover and address dock location errors

13 Closing thoughts WCSC will process and disseminate more timely
Reduce complete collection time to three months Reduce processing time to one month Reduce publication time to near real time WCSC will release data quarterly Continue to improve quarterly report Produce other products on quarterly basis WCSC will modernize data products Feed Socrata and CWBI Update database design Create GIS query tools, create port shapefiles WCSC will maintain and enhance quality of data Trips Tonnage GIS locations

14 Questions?

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