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1 Discussion

2 EOSC Research Objects Hub
Thematic services (data products, pipelines, software, virtual appliances..) Research outputs Hub-specific service management processes, business processes, policies Cloud compute Cloud container compute HTC and HPC Storage/data management EOSC Research Objects Hub EGI vision for the EOSC

3 Federation services and processes
Core EOSC services and activities (examples) Federation services/processes (accounting, monitoring,.. Business processes and channels Research objects libraries OSC Core Hub Federated IdP, Auth, Authz Markeplaces Standards and policies Research Object Indexing and discovery services Knowledge an d training EGI vision for the EOSC

4 A worldwide OSC EOSC Hub EOSC core Hub EOSC Hub OSC Core Hub EOSC Hub
Private cloud EGI vision for the EOSC

5 Open Science Commons (B2B and B2C) / after discussion
EOSC CONSUMERS Public& private research/ Educators/ Citizen science/ E-gov/ Innovators Composite service providers B2C Relationships (Commons) Reserch Community services Data providers RIs IaaS providers E-Infras Others COMMERCIAL/PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDERS B2C Relationships (Private/Community services) B2B Relationships Developing an Open Science Commons

6 Discussion: EOSC and RIs
What role of RIs and EOSC: providers? Consumers? Both? Are private/community services part of the EOSC? Collaborate on identification of EOSC implementation priorities (1 month timeline) By the 7th of April/EGI Conference, III EOSC workshop EGI vision for the EOSC

7 EOSC next steps Design study and pilot
EOSC Governance Stakeholders, rules of engagement, funding, assets, business and service management processes, policies & legal aspects, standards EOSC Technical Architecture Existing and new OS services Pilot of governance/architecture for a EOSC as web of digital objects (involving international partners/research collaborations/stakeholders) Development (in collaboration with networks of stakeholders, in collaboration with the EC OS policy platform) Open Education and skills: EOSC human networks (experts and development of data science experts) Discussion: what proof of concepts and activities are the organizations willing to contribute to (e.g. Governance/Architecture)? Implementation of critical actions (according to a few HLEG-defined priorities) EGI vision for the EOSC

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