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Digitizing Muleshoe Bend and Reimer’s Ranch

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1 Digitizing Muleshoe Bend and Reimer’s Ranch
Alex Hughes, Griffin Price, Kevin Garcia

2 Background- Austin Ridge Riders
Non-profit organization Develops and maintains public bike trails Educates the public on the proper use of bicycles and safety. Organized club rides including women's and youth rides.

3 Purpose Austin Ridge Riders received a grant to improve signage along the off-road bike trails. Digitize important features of Reimer’s Ranch and Muleshoe Bend. Create simple maps for recreational reference Create complete maps for trail planning and maintenance Propose changes to be made to the trails using the Half Rule of Trail Sustainability. Provide PDF maps and QGIS maps to Austin Ridge Riders, who do not have access to ArcGIS.

4 Literature Review Yarnal & Coulson, 2013
Trail use increases significantly with map availability. People prefer colored maps over monochromatic maps Soh & Smith-Jackson, 2004 Signage along the trails as well as map design improve the accuracy of the users’ decision making. People prefer contour maps over shaded relief or schematic maps.

5 Scope Reimer’s Ranch Muleshoe Bend

6 Software Used ArcMap Adobe Illustrator Google Maps Google Earth Pro

7 Data Austin Ridge Riders
GPX Files Bike Trails Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) Contour Data Aerial Photos Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood zone data

8 Methods Digitization of Reimer’s Ranch and Muleshoe Bend

9 Methods Trail Sustainability Analysis

10 Final Maps

11 Proposed Trail Changes

12 Conclusion This project will result in better overall safety of the trails for bikers of all skill levels. When creating data of an area where there is none, it is important that the data be as accurate as possible, We were unable to use GPS due to the scope of the class

13 Future Projects The Austin Ridge Riders could do this to help with trail planning and mantainence Use GPS to pinpoint potential hazards endangered plants other points of interest along the trails

14 References Boon Kee Soh and Tonya L. Smith-Jackson Influence of Map Design, Individual Differences, and Environmental Cues on Wayfinding Performance , Spatial Cognition & Computation, 4(2): Careen M. Mackay Yarnal and Michael R. C. Coulson Recreational Map Design and Map Use: An Experiment, The Cartographic Journal, 19(1):

15 Questions?

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