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Baker Academia: Key to Excellence & Rigor

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1 Baker Academia: Key to Excellence & Rigor
Academies of Advanced Careers

2 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES)
High School Diploma Geology Technician Land Survey Technician Field sampling Technician Charter Services Mobile Lab Technician Shrimper

3 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES)
High School Diploma +2 year Training Environmental Marketing Specialist Wastewater Analyst Environmental Web Crawler Fisheries Technician Specialist Hydrology Technician Chemistry/Analytical Lab Technician

4 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES)
High School +4 year Degree Park Ranger Business Owner Hydro Geologist Teacher Marine Biologist Veterinarian Wildlife Biologist Aqua culturist Environmental Engineer Oil Rig Worker Aquatic Engineer Zoologist Marine Patrol Officer

5 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES) Course Selection
Physical Science Environmental Science Zoology Algebra 2/Trig Chemistry (1, AP) Precalculus Physics (1, 2, C) Discrete Math Environmental Science (Reg., AP) Foreign Language (1, 2, 3, AP) AP Calculus (A, B) AP Statistics Marine Biology Bryant Center

6 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES) Completer Requirements
Core courses At least 3 Academy courses Physical Science Bryant Center Marine Biology Horticulture Environmental Science Environmental Mgmt. Zoology Fish & Wildlife Forestry Greenhouse Turf Grass Management

7 Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences (MAZES) Advanced Completer Requirements
Core courses At least 4 Academy courses Algebra 2/Trig Chemistry (1, AP) Precalculus Physics (1, 2, C) Discrete Math Environmental Science (Reg., AP) AP Calculus (A, B) Foreign Language (1, 2, 3, AP) AP Statistics Marine Biology

8 Additional Components
Mentoring Community Service Hours Professional Portfolio Club/Athletic Team Member Job Shadowing Internship

9 Baker Advanced Careers Academies
Career Academies Signature Academy Specialist Betty Patterson Dixon Phone: ext Location: Room 201 (main building – take stairs in center of parking lot, then turn left)

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