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Chapter 5 Notes Biological Diversity.

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1 Chapter 5 Notes Biological Diversity

2 -the variety of species in an area
Biodiversity -the variety of species in an area Important b/c: Living things are interdependent Ex: symbiosis Diversity brings stability to an ecosystem Humans depend on other organisms -Ex. Plants make oxygen -Many medicines come from plants

3 Loss of Biodiversity Levels Threatened Species – may become endangered
Endangered Species – in danger of becoming extinct Extinction- the disappearance of a species, when the last member dies

4 Threats to Biodiversity
Habitat loss- loss of places for species to live Biggest reason for decline in biodiversity Caused by: Clearing land Fragmentation-separation of wilderness areas by humans The edges of an ecosystem are areas with great biodiversity

5 Threats to Biodiversity
Habitat Degradation- damage to a habitat by: Acid rain- caused by air pollution Ozone layer depletion causes high UV levels Water pollution

6 Air Pollution Pollution-contamination of the environment
Air Pollution from burning fossil fuels harmful gases(CO/CO2/NO/ SO/HC) particulates-harmful soot particles smog-smoke & fog

7 Acid Precipitation Acid Rain Raindrops+CO2+NO or SO= weak acids
weak acid +H2O +O +heat(sun) =Sulfuric or Nitric acid SO from coal burning NO from automobiles Harms trees and Lake Ecosystems

8 Ozone Depletion Ozone(O3)-Absorbs most of the sun’s harmful radiation
-Depletion caused by CFC’s from Styrofoam and coolants -CFC’s+UV light = Cl which reacts with O3

9 Threats to Biodiversity
Habitat Degradation- damage to a habitat by: Land pollution- garbage pesticides Bringing in exotic species causes competition and sometime kills a native species and disrupts the ecosystem

10 Greenhouse Effect The process of heat retention by atmospheric gases
Keeps the earth warm CO2 gas traps heat Excessive CO2 from automobiles may cause Global Warming

11 Water Pollution 3% of the Earth’s water is freshwater, 50%+ of it is frozen Industrial Waste Fertilizers causes excessive algae growth Human waste causes waterborne diseases

12 Groundwater Pollution
Freshwater found underground Agricultural and Industrial pollutants travel through the soil to contaminate groundwater Overuse is the biggest threat

13 Land Pollution GARBAGE landfills
Biodegradable-food, wood, animal waste, leaves, grass Nonbiodegradable-plastics, glass, styrofoam,metal...

14 Conservation Biology What is being done?
Conserve our Natural Resources Water, Air, Soil, Plant and Animal resources Legal species protection Plant & animals Preserve habitats Species Preservation programs Reintroduce species Captivity

15 What can we do? Preservation Conservation Recycle/Reuse

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