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Discovering The National Judiciary

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering The National Judiciary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering The National Judiciary
Ch. 18, Section 1

2 Dual Court system Read “Creation of a National Judiciary” to “Two Kinds of Federal Courts”. What was the problem with the court system under the Articles of Confederation? What part of the U.S. Constitution established our Judicial Branch? What do we mean when we say that the U.S. has a dual court system? Which courts hear the most cases?

3 Jurisdiction Read the passage “Federal Court Jurisdiction” to “Types of Jurisdiction” What does jurisdiction mean? In terms of subject matter, when does a case go to federal court? In terms of parties involved, when does a case go to federal court?

4 Federal court or state court?
Read the passage “Types of Jurisdiction” to “Federal Judges” What does concurrent jurisdiction mean? What is the minimum amount that a citizen from one state can sue a citizen from another state and have concurrent jurisdiction?

5 Appellate courts What does original jurisdiction mean?
What is appellate jurisdiction? What do appellate courts do?

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