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SPOC – Single Point of Contact

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1 SPOC – Single Point of Contact
One Number to Call for Trouble Reports

2 What is SPOC One Number to call –

3 SPOC = Single Point of Contact
Logista Solutions, Birmingham, AL is contracted by AT&T to provide the State of MS SPOC services. Makes it easier for the customer to enter trouble reports SPOC users must register…User ID and password One number #1 to call to report all troubles regardless of the type of service whether: Voice troubles Long Distance troubles Data troubles Internet service troubles (MPLS)

4 Access to SPOC – Web Portal or Telephone
You must be registered as a SPOC user for security Must have a User Name & Password Web portal: Enter User Name & Password Leave “authentication” blank Telephone access: Call

5 Why SPOC? SPOC records and tracks the report to ensure resolution and creates a history of the trouble Allows search of all trouble reports by SPOC ticket number, circuit ID, internal ticket number, or AT&T ticket number Allows viewing of the work log on open and closed tickets Contractual obligation under RFP4000

6 Your MPLS Operations Guide and SPOC
Your Operations Guides may be in error. If the guide directs you to dial #2, #2 again, and #5, the guide is obsolete. Use , Option #1 to report MPLS services or use the web portal. With MPLS services, report the Site ID in trouble (Ex: SOMNPIK0000/MSMDE571101(Host) “MPLS” should be the first entry in the “problem description” field MPLS reports are directed by SPOC to AT&T’s SLG NOC (state and local government network operations center)

7 Authorizing “changes” for your network
Records of your MPLS network have a “technical contact” listed. However, many school districts may have contractors that maintain the network. If you have a contractor that maintains the network and may be opening trouble tickets, you may want to give us that person’s name as an “alternate technical contact”, so we can know the contractors are authorized to make changes.

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