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Fast BLM acquisition system

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1 Fast BLM acquisition system
Bernd Dehning CERN BE/BI Plots are taken from: Tobias Baer, Henrik Janson, Maria Hempel, Elena Castro, Christoph Kurfuerst BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

2 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Content The diamond detector CERN installations Specification Signal versus time Arrival time histogram Acquisition systems BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

3 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Beam loss sensors IC Diamond PM (ACEM) Response time: ns < ns ns Pulse duration: 100 us ns few ns Dynamic orders orders orders Radiation tolerance MGy several 10 MGy kGy Volume l cm cm3 Signal degradation factor 10 50 ns bunch spacing Risetime: 2.34ns Falltime: 10.34ns Amplitude: 397mV Background noise: 9.9mV Temporal width: 6.06ns MGy Leakage current CVD detector superior in terms of response time, pulse duration and dynamic range Often it is the case that the acquisition chain is limited by the sensor; diamond sensor (CVD) exploitation requires high performance electronics Max 20 pA BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

4 BLMED Installation Overview
Acc IP Position Detector LHC 2 BLMED.04L2.B1I10_TCTVB.4L2 CIVIDEC 3 BLMED.06L3.B1I10_TCP.6L3.B1 BLMED.06R3.B2E10_TCP.6R3.B2 6 BLMED.04L6.B2I10_TCSG.4L6.B2 BLMED.04R6.B1E10_TCSG.4R6.B1 7 BLMED.06L7.B1E10_TCHSS.6L7 BLMED.06R7.B2I10_TCHSS.6R7 8 BLMED.04R8.B2C10_TCTVB.4R8 SPS 4 MSE 41876 TPSG 61773 BLMED.04L2.B1C10_TDI.4L2.B1 BCM1F4LHC BLMED.04R8.B2C10_TDI.4R8.B2 BLMED.05L4.B1C10_BGI BLMED.05R4.B2C10_BGI 5 BLMED.04L5.B1I10_TCTVA.4L5.B1 BLMED.04R5.B2I10_TCTVA.4R5.B2 Following detectors are foreseen to be installed during LS1 and LS2: 1 detector for Fast Servo spill in the SPS TT20 (LS1) 1 detector for HiLumi in the LHC (LS1) 8 detectors for Booster dump (LS2) 10 (12) Detectors for PS (LS2) Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

5 Location of Diamond Detectors at CERN Accelerators
Status and Application of Diamond BLMs; B.Dehning 5

6 Location of Diamond Detectors at CERN Accelerators
Status and Application of Diamond BLMs; B.Dehning 6

7 Optical diamond detector (BCM1F4LHC)
All detector signals arrive at the same position Easy access of data acquisition system Lower dynamic range Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

8 Tunnel set ups CIVIDEC system CMS DESY/Zeuten system Optical fibre
Status and Application of Diamond BLMs; B.Dehning 8

9 Technical Specification of Fast DAQ
Analogue bandwidth DC – 500 MHz V In min 10 mVpp V In max 10 Vpp  7V RMS Acquisition: Resolution 8/10/12 bit  Solution specific Sampling rate 1Gs/s (2.5ns – 1ns) Sampling length 10ms 1Gs/s per channel  selectable 8 bit 10k – 1G (points) = 240kbit – 24Gbit (4Gbyte) 4 Channels 12 bit 10k – 1G (points) = 360kbit – 36Gbit ( 3 Channels Trigger system: Signal input Edge (Threshold set with 10bit DAC) Min. 5mV Ext. Input 2 Edge TTL signal Software trigger On event via data transmission Histogram: ns (57024 bins)  Bunch length / 16 Trigger threshold min. 5mV  10 bit DAC Counter 20-24 bit per bin Update rate 1s Scaler: 20-24 bit Controller or FPGA software: Source code User accessible for modifications Preferable Drivers & Control software Driver Open source Linux   Control Linux Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

10 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Specification PS SPS LHC Dynamic [orders of magnitude ] 5-6 Sampling frequency [GS/s] 1 Number of value to be stored per channel 2E6 22E6 1E9 Synchronisation with machine events y Sampling frequency, bandwidth 500 MHz analogue bandwidth relates to a rise time of 0.7 ns (10 – 90%) Rise time observation 2.3 ns, limited by 1GHz sampling frequency and cable, rise time contribution from analogue part of acquisition almost negligible BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

11 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Signal versus time acquisitions BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

12 Diamond Measurement 4 batches
4·36 bunches LHC injection gap SPS injection gaps 36 bunches

13 Diamond Measurement 1 batch
36 bunches All bunches contribute to the beam losses, as expected for a macro particle interaction. 50ns spacing between bunches

14 Event Sequence Start of B1 losses in IR7.
Fire MKD.B2 No IR5 bb kick Losses in IR7 IR1 IR6 IR7 IR5 IR3 IR4 IR2 IR8 1/8 3/8 8/8 turns Pacman structure of beam losses.

15 Event Sequence Losses due to uncaptured beam in abort gap during MKD rise time observable in IR7. No IR2, IR1, IR8 bb kick Fire MKD.B2 Dump losses No IR5 bb kick Losses in IR7 IR1 IR6 IR7 IR5 IR3 IR8 IR4 IR2 1/8 3/8 6/8 8/8

16 Event Sequence Losses due to uncaptured beam in abort gap during MKD.B1 rise time observable in IR7. No IR2, IR1, IR8 bb kick Fire MKD.B2 B2 dumped Fire MKD.B1 Dump losses No IR5 bb kick Losses in IR7 Dump losses IR1 IR6 IR7 IR5 IR3 IR8 IR4 IR2 1/8 3/8 6/8 8/8 10/8

17 Bucket counting on consecutive turns
MKI UFO dump which illustrates the timing. The data is acquired by the IR7 diamond BLM for B1. The yellow line shows the losses during the last turn incl. the spike due to the MKD rise time. As reference in red the losses around the abort gap in the previous turn. One can see that the losses which are observable in IP7 occur about 875ns after the beginning of the abort gap and about 1.8us after the last bunch. BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

18 CNGS - SPS extracted pulse
10 us 5 ns SPS 5 ns bunch structure measureable with 150 m of Cu cable BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

19 Ring BLM Measurements Spatial loss profile
UFO Location: BSRT.05L4.B2 Temporal loss profile B1 B2 UFO location Diamond BLM B2 direction On the following slides: Measurements with BMLED.06R7.B2I10_TCHSS.6R7.B2. 40dB signal amplification.

20 Diamond Measurement Overview
1 turn Losses due to beam dump

21 Diamond Measurement 1 turn
Beam abort gap Losses due to beam dump 4·36 bunches 2·36 bunches

22 Bunch by bunch tune measurement
The data was taken during the EOF test of the beam-beam MD on , where B2 was dumped first, which led to a coherent oscillation of B1 due to the missing LRBB deflections. The frequency resolution is limited, because the losses were acquired for only ~200 turns. The duration of recording (1s) determines the required memory size (IEC team, T. Pieloni) BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

23 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Arrival time histogram referenced to revolution period BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

24 HERA Scraping Beam with Wires
Inner wire wire ~ 4 sig begin fill HERA Bunch spacing 96 ns Samples taken every 21 ns No coasting beam halo 3 samples with zero intensity (left, top) Partially coasting halo Inter bunch samples measure intensity (left, middle) Only coasting halo (left bottom) Strong coasting component at begin of fill (centre top) Bunched halo only minutes later (centre, middle) With retracted wire diffusion of coasting component into cleaned area (centre bottom), SPS Effect caused by RF system noise, faulty amplifier wire ~ 4 sig Outer wire 4 min later Halo Intensity wire ~ 6 sig Outer wire wire retracted LMC B.Dehning 24

25 Arrival time histogram IP5 CMS system
With 25 ns spacing and debris from the IP spacing reduced to 12.5 s Allows details of bunch spacing BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

26 Arrival time histogram with simulated and CVD signal
Bunch period signal at input of acquisition system CVD detector signal at input acquisition system BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

27 Arrival time histogram during ramp
Bunch spacing reduced due to cross talk Sub 25 ns resolution required BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

28 Arrival time histogram - Coasting beam and instabilities
By continues updated display observation of all bunches possible BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

29 Arrival time histogram with the CMS system
IP2, 5 and 8 losses from tails and experiment IP4 losses from core of beam BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

30 Arrival time histogram & injection losses
Before injection BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

31 Arrival time histogram & injection losses
After injection BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

32 Arrival time histogram & injection losses
later after injection Clean injection check should also be possible at the PS and SPS BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

33 New Diamond Detector Cascade Schemes
tunnel side tunnel Detector signal split in two signal paths (direct and 40dB amplified) Monitoring of complete dynamic range possible No need to access tunnel to exchange amplifier for different users Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

34 System propositions 8 - 10 - 12 bit solution possible
3 – 4 channel per system needed Splitter and/or optical input can be separated form DAQ In case of a modular system more than 4 channel possible Parallel processing of histogram and loss versus time mode preferable Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

35 System Comparison Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
Important Technical Aspects BI/BL Man power Dead line Comments Storage per Ch Resolution Rate FPGA CPU Production BI/BL 8 MByte 10 bit 1 GSPS Yes No Tender for FMC needed Tender 1 1.25 GByte 1.25 GSPS Offer is without chassis and CPU Tender 2 2 GByte 12 bit 1.6 GSPS Modular system, Onsight consualtion Tender 3 4 GByte 8 bit QT GUI exist, Future option 12 bit Tender 4 1.5 GByte Completely new development Tender 5 250 MByte Future option 8 Gbyte OASIS 250kbyte 8 bit 1-2 GSPS No Yes The FPGA can not be programmed Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning BI-TB,

36 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

37 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
CMS system BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

38 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
IP4 abort gap recording Cross talk from other beam dominant BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

39 Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning
BI-TB, Fast BLM acquisition system, B.Dehning

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