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Elementary Social Studies Made Easy

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Social Studies Made Easy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Social Studies Made Easy
Kourtney Ragsdale Teresa Francis Mansfield ISD

2 Present lessons & Strategies:
Engaging Hands-on Multiple Standards

3 FOCUS Geography Economics Visuals Vocabulary

4 GEOGRAPHY "I have who has..."

5 I have... Template

6 Literature Connections
ECONOMICS Literature Connections

7 Economics Lessons The Tortilla Factory Money, Money, Honey Bunny
The Pickle Patch Bathtub Potato, A Tale of the Great Depression Charlie Needs a New Cloak

8 The Goat in the Rug If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Saturday Sancocho How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World Lunch Money Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Money

9 Economics lessons


11 I have who has... Bingo Scategories (closed/open) Vobackulary Password Carousel Flashlight Vocab Review

12 Pyramid Connect 2/4 Pictionary Brick and Mortar Improv read aloud Pick 5- topic of study Mansfield Squares

13 Frayer Model Word written by teacher Example Illustration
Word written by student Illustration Example

14 Definition in own words
Frayer Model Word Definition in own words Illustration Example


16 What I See 1 2 3 4

17 Native American running Why are they running?
Feature Student Teacher Native American running Why are they running? They are hunting buffalo What is happening to the buffalo Trains Why are people traveling Wagons What problems would there be moving West?

18 Instructions on weebly site
Community Map Instructions on weebly site


20 https://fairmontflipcharts. pbworks

21 Resources: San Antonio ISD CSUBAK. EDU William C
Resources: San Antonio ISD CSUBAK.EDU William C. Wood, EcEdWeb Economics Lessons Region IV Service Center Social Studies Alive! (SSA!)

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