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Presentation on theme: "THE NHS APPLICATION PROCESS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why did you get an invite?
 Each spring, potential new members are contacted based upon cumulative grade point averages. Juniors and Seniors with at least a 3.5 cumulative G.P.A. are notified of their eligibility to apply and the application process is explained in a group meeting. Please be aware that the time to begin preparation is upon enrollment for transfer in or upon becoming a freshman.  Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service both in school and community are the values examined to determine acceptance.

3 Is this a competition with others?
No, there is not a certain number of NHS "slots", those inducted are inducted by the application process:  Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service both in school and community are the values examined to determine acceptance. Essentially, you are only in competition with yourself by displaying that you have demonstrated the four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service. The application process is the place where you demonstrate your achievements, awards, and accolades. Do not assume that the application committee knows all of your achievements. 

The application is a crucial part to the selection process. Filling out the entire application allows you to demonstrate the four pillars of the NHS requirements. Read and follow the directions: DIRECTIONS: Please complete ALL sections – Only typed applications will be considered. Do not be modest. Every bit of information can be used by the Faculty and Faculty Council to assist with the selection process. If more space is needed, the same format must be used as in sections. Completion of this form does NOT guarantee selection. 

5 The Application Scholarship Curricular activities Leadership positions
Service activities Community activities Work experience, recognition, and awards

6 Signatures * If the application requires a signature, then get a signature!!* 

7 DUE DATE & TIME The NHS application is due : Monday, February 27, 2017
The NHS application must be turned in by this time: 2:33 p.m.. The application should be handed directly to Mrs.Wright or Mrs. Fleming. The student will sign their name on the sign-off sheet.      *If you are not here on that date, you must arrange for the application to be dropped off by a parent or guardian. You may also turn in the application earlier than the due date if you know the absence will occur. *

8 Advice from the NHS Advisors
Brainstorm and list all achievements and awards. Do not wait to complete the application at the last minute.  Ask a current or former NHS member to look over your application. Have a trusted friend, parent, or teacher edit your application for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Note: Editing cannot be done by an NHS Advisor. Look over your own application to make sure every direction and request has been fulfilled.  Adhere to the application due date 2/27 and time 2:33 p.m.. (slide 7 information) Let your current and past teachers know you are applying for NHS. This is important for the NHS faculty vote.  Keep a copy of this application! You will need the exact same information for other applications, resumes, and scholarships, etc.. Our advice would be to store a copy on your computer, flash drive, and one hardcopy.  Make sure your address is your correct mailing address on file. Often letters are returned to the school due to incorrect addresses. To double check your address on file, see the secretary in guidance. It is not the advisor's responsibility to figure out the correct address. 

9 What happens after I turn in the application?
The faculty votes on NHS candidates. A selection committee views all applications.  You will receive a letter in the mail letting the applicant know if they are  inducted or not inducted into the SMHS NHS. Make sure your address is the correct mailing address to your home.  *A timeline will be provided under the NHS link to allow the student to view important dates.*

10 By-laws and NHS Requirements
We have provided the link to the SMHS NHS By-laws. These need to be read and signed (slide 6) by you and your parent or guardian. Please return the signed permission slip portion along with your NHS application. The NHS By-laws will explain about required meetings, community and school service projects. This is a requirement of each inducted NHS member in order to remain in good standing with the SMHS NHS.  After induction the NHS member must uphold the requirements as stated in the SMHS NHS Chapter By-laws. It is your responsibility to read and fully understand these requirements. 

11 Graduating 2017 Seniors Information you will need to know:
If inducted into the SMHS National Honor Society your senior year:      Dues: $22.25 for the NHS Stole / $20.00 NHS membership fee      *Money for both will be due on Friday, April 7* Participation will be expected in the spring community service project. 

12 Questions? Please see Mrs. Fleming in the Library Media Center.
Please see Mrs. Wright in Room 701, during her 2nd period planning.


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