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Definition Paragraphs

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1 Definition Paragraphs
ENL 207, Fall 2015

2 Definition Paragraphs
Are used to define a term, custom or concept in a unique and original way. Warning: Although this may seem easy, definition paragraphs are one of the most difficult types of paragraphs to write.

3 Definition Paragraphs
Common Problems: Do NOT rely on dictionary definitions or outside sources. Avoid listing numerous examples that lack unity and purpose. Remember to organize your paragraph in an appropriate manner.

4 Topic Sentence Contains three aspects:
Contains the word, custom, or concept you will define or explain (the topic) The large category or group to which the word or things belongs The distinguishing characteristics that make the word or thing different from other members of the category PowerPoint is a useful technological tool that is used to present information in innovative ways.

5 Topic Sentence Notice that each of these adjective clauses also contain a distinguishing characteristic… this is because they are topic sentences for definition paragraphs! Definition paragraph topic sentences use a grammatical structure known as an adjective clauses. An adjective clause further identifies or defines noun Beauty is a concept that is not easily defined solely by physical characteristics. Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who inspires hope and excitement in young children all over the world. A meme is an electronic image which carries subtle visual and textual meaning.

6 Topic Sentence who = people which = things that = people or things Turn to a partner and practice coming up with good topic sentences for a definition paragraph: A best friend is _______________ who_______________. Steve Jobs was _______________ who _______________. A USB is _______________ that _______________.

7 Define it! Activity Work with a partner. Choose an item from the bag. Write a topic sentence that will identify/define this item and uses an adjective clause. You only need to write a topic sentence. Use the formula that we learned in class.

8 Supporting Sentences Thus definition paragraphs should be organized from general to specific. Should start with general ideas and gradually move to more specific ideas. It should also contain two of the following three details: SP1: General, traditional, stereotypical explanations Describe the basic and most noticeable features of your topic SP2: Explanation of what the topic is NOT Mention other topics, which fit into the same category/group, and explain how they are NOT the same as your main topic SP3: Specific and personal explanations Describe the features of your topic that are very meaningful

9 Supporting Sentences SP1: General, traditional, stereotypical explanations Many people use PowerPoint during presentations to summarize the content they are trying to share with their audience.  SP2: Explanation of what the topic is NOT Unlike traditional presentations, speakers can make their presentations more interesting and unique by using PowerPoint to incorporate electronic elements on their slides.  SP3: Specific and personal explanations For example, PowerPoints allows the user to embed web links, images, videos, or music into the slides.

10 Concluding Sentence Should emphasize or explain why the topic is important, meaningful, unique, or interesting… Because of its unique features, PowerPoint makes it easy to engage with your audience during a presentation.

11 Model Paragraph PowerPoint: An Innovative Tool for Presentations PowerPoint is a useful technological tool that is used to present information in innovative ways. Many people use PowerPoint during presentations to summarize the content they are trying to share with their audience. Unlike traditional presentations, speakers can make their presentations more interesting and unique by using PowerPoint to incorporate electronic elements on their slides. For example, PowerPoints allows the user to embed web links, images, videos, or music into the slides. Because of its unique features, PowerPoint makes it easy to engage with your audience during a presentation.


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