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Native Americans Chapter 18

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1 Native Americans Chapter 18


3 Native Americans Chapter 18
Bureau of Indian Affairs---est.1824 within the War Department. Close ties between the Army and the bureau sent a clear message: Indians who resisted confinement on reservations would be dealt with by force.

4 Indian Removal ’s

5 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie U.S. government promised to Sioux, Cheyenne and other tribes control of the Great Plains accept a defined territory pledge not to attack settlers allow the building of roads and forts

6 Sea of Grass-one of natures great obstacles to overcome in the journey westward.

7 1864 Sand Creek Massacre 700 Troops led by Colonel John Chivington attack and kill Cheyenne women and children-this sparks further attacks by the Sioux, Arapahos and Cheyenne U.S.Flag

8 US Government campaign to eradicate the Buffalo---and in doing so eliminate the “Indian problem”.

9 1867 Treaty of Medicine Lodge
Tired of fighting, Indian leaders agree to move to reservations, this opens up the Southern Plains

10 1875 Sioux Resistance Led by a medicine man named Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) the Sioux and Cheyenne under Crazy Horse join forces preparing to fight back

11 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn
7th Calvary Commanded by General George Armstrong Custer attacks an Indian encampment along the Little Bighorn River. Underestimating the enemy size Custer attacks 3000 Indians warriors with only 200 men. The entire battalion was dead within 2 hours.

12 George Armstrong Custer

13 June 25th, 1876 Battle of the Little Big Horn

14 Battle of the Little Big Horn

15 Indian Painting after the Battle of the Little Big Horn

16 Comanche- The only US Army Survivor at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

17 Wounded Knee Massacre 500 Troops of the 7th Calvary were ordered to round up followers of the Ghost Dance who had left the reservations—300 Sioux were killed at Wounded Knee Creek—this marks the end of Indian wars on the Great Plains

18 Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding Schools
Carlisle School --Pennsylvania


20 Mount Rushmore

21 Crazy Horse Monument

22 Crazy Horse Monument

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