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Presentation on theme: "OMV PETROM – OIL PLATFORM – ROMANIA"— Presentation transcript:

Ref: RO-MA-PI-TC-TE-OMV Petrom Oil Platform-EN 24/02/2015 4 OMV PETROM – OIL PLATFORM – ROMANIA OMV Petrom S.A. is a Romanian oil company, the largest corporation in Romania and the largest gas and oil producer in Eastern Europe. It is a subsidiary of OMV. Apart from its operations in Romania, the company operates in Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Iran and Russia. In Moldova, Petrom has operated 73 filling stations, being one of the leading oil companies, alongside Lukoil. In Hungary, there have been at least 2 Petrom filling stations. Between July and October 2013 ZINGA was used on the rehabilitation of an offshore oil platform. A ZINGA duplex system with sealer and topcoat system was applied after thorough surface preparation. Above: Conditions before treatment Left: Blasting Right: Surface inspection

2 Ref: RO-MA-PI-TC-TE-OMV Petrom Oil Platform-EN 24/02/2015

3 4 u v w System: Deck u ZINGA 2 x 90 µm DFT Jackets (grey) v
Ref: RO-MA-PI-TC-TE-OMV Petrom Oil Platform-EN 24/02/2015 4 System: Deck u ZINGA 2 x 90 µm DFT Jackets (grey) v ZINGA 1 x 60 µm DFT Zingalufer 2 x 80 µm DFT Jackets (colour) w ZINGA 1 x 60 µm DFT Zingalufer 1 x 140 µm DFT Zingagloss 1 x 60 µm DFT u v w

4 Ref: RO-MA-PI-TC-TE-OMV Petrom Oil Platform-EN 24/02/2015
On 12 May 2014 Belrom ‘95 (Romanian ZINGA distributor) received a testimonial from OMV Petrom confirming the performance of the coating system thus far and indicating the use of ZINGA systems for other projects including oil platforms. Free translation Recommendation letter In the period July to October 2013, OMV- Petrom SA performed a rehabilitation project on the steel structure platform « Industry Istria Production Platform 4 » belonging to ASSET X – Petromar. In this regard, the structure was prepared by blasting and painting was conducted using products from Zingametall – Belgium by the following system: Blasting: Cleaning grade Sa 2 ½ Initial layer: ZINGA min 60 μm DFT Intermediate coat: Alufer N min 140 μm DFT Finishing coat: PU Gloss min 60 μm DFT From the Belgian company, work was supervised by representative SC Belrom’95 LLC who owns exclusivity for promotion and distribution of Zingametall products. We appreciate operating facility of the products and the behavior of the above mentioned system until now, which is why these products were promoted for other projects of OMV Petrom SA such as restoration of Platform 4 which has double the surface of Platform 3 and use of ZINGA for annual work and maintenance of metal surfaces and other platforms.


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