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What is Integrated Group Reading? (2)

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Presentation on theme: "What is Integrated Group Reading? (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Integrated Group Reading? (2)
A Summary of the Approach for Teachers

2 The IGR Learning Cycle the Language Model Linguistic Level covered
(from the whole to the parts) (5) Consolidation drawings prompt story recall and Recall for a game of Go Fish, No Fish the sentence or phrase the previous book New Material: (1) Storytelling (Narrative Familiarisation) the story (2a) Receptive encounter playing Lotto: ‘Listen and Look’ receptive vocabulary with complex vocabulary (Phonological-Visual Mapping) (2b) Collaborative Reading reading the new story between us words in context (3) Words in More Detail: playing an appropriately-levelled graphemes to be Phonics Game (matched with book level) blended into words (4) With the TA [next day] Word Pelmanism words out of context

3 (5) The Readability Aspect
An integral part of the development of the IGR approach has been the use of whole text standardised assessments which look at both Accuracy and Comprehension These yield Reading Age and Comprehension Age scores which have allowed for a very close matching of book levels to reading ages in the IGR teaching materials, as well as helping to highlight the interplay of accuracy and comprehension as children learn to read, even in the early stages (see Mapping Standard Measures to the Acquisition of Phonics and Whole Words in Narrative Texts)

4 step 1: establishing reading accuracy scores (YARC or NARA)

5 step 2: matching Accuracy Scores to reading levels

6 step 3: identifying Instructional Level texts (with a 1 in 10 Difficulty Ratio)

7 (6) The Collaborative Aspect
The collaborative nature of IGR small group methodology results in high levels of attention and engagement-with-task Children develop good collaborative skills and individual positive attitudes to reading IGR is a holistic, natural way of learning for children (learning to read as a Language Art)

8 Summary: the 6 Basic Aspects of…
Integrated Group Reading The Linguistic Aspect The Story-Specific Aspect The Play Aspect

9 …IGR Lesson Methodology
Integrated Group Reading The Learning in Depth Aspect The Readability Aspect The Collaborative Aspect

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