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BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time Self-Organize

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Presentation on theme: "BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time Self-Organize"— Presentation transcript:

1 BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time Self-Organize
Barkley Deficits in Executive Functions Scale – Children and Adolescents (BDEFS – CA) BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time Self-Organize Self-Restraint Self-Motivate Self-Regulate Emotions

2 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale Children and Adolescents
Items generated originally using Gross (et al) self - regulation of emotion model never or rarely 1, sometimes 2, often 3, very often 4 55. Has a low tolerance for frustrating situations 56. Cannot inhibit his/her emotions 57. Quick to get angry or become upset

3 BDEFS - CA Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
58. Overreact emotionally 59. Easily excitable 60. Not able to inhibit showing strong negative or positive emotions 61. Has trouble calming him/herself down once he/she is emotionally upset 62. Not able to be reasonable once he/she is emotional

4 BDEFS - CA Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
63. Cannot seem to distract him/herself away from whatever is upsetting him/her emotionally to help calm down. Can’t refocus his/her mind to a more positive framework. 64. Not able to manage his/her emotions in order to accomplish his/her goals successfully or get along well with others 65. Remains emotional or upset longer than other children 66. Finds it difficult to walk away from emotionally upsetting encounters with others or leave situations in which he/she has become very emotional

5 BDEFS - CA Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
67. Not able to rechannel or redirect his/her emotions into more positive ways or outlets when he/she gets upset 68. Not able to evaluate an emotionally upsetting event more objectively or reasonably 69. Not able to reevaluate or redefine negative events into a more positive viewpoint when he/she feels strong emotions 70. Emotionally impulsive or quick to show or express his/her feelings

6 BDEFS – CA Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
Raw Score Ranges and Percentiles Available for Ages 6-11; 12-17; Males, Females and Males/Females Combined Ages Males Only 99+% 98% 97% 96% 95%

7 BDEFS – CA Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
Ages Females Only 99+% 62-64 98% 97% 96% 95%

8 BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time
Barkley Deficits in Executive Functions Scale –(BDEFS) Ages 18 and over BDEFS – CA Five Scales Self-Management to Time Self-Organization/Problem Solving Self-Restraint Self-Motivation Self-Regulation of Emotions

9 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
never or rarely 1, sometimes 2, often 3, very often 4 77. Quick to get angry or become upset. 78. Overreact emotionally. 79. Easily excitable. 80. Unable to inhibit showing strong negative or positive emotions. 81. Have trouble calming myself down once I am emotionally upset.

10 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
82. Cannot seem to regain emotional control and become more reasonable once I am emotional. 83. Cannot seem to distract myself away from whatever is upsetting me emotionally to help calm me down. I can’t refocus my mind to a more positive framework. 84. Unable to manage my emotions in order to accomplish my goals successfully or get along well with others. 85. I remain emotional or upset longer than others.

11 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
86. I find it difficult to walk away from emotionally upsetting encounters with others or leave situations in which I have become very emotional. 87. I cannot rechannel or redirect my emotions into more positive ways or outlets when I get upset. 88. I am not able to evaluate an emotionally upsetting event more objectively. 89. I cannot redefine negative events into more positive viewpoints when I feel strong emotions.

12 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
Raw Score Ranges and Percentiles Ages 18-34, Males and Females Combined 99+% 36-48 98% 97% 96% 95% 51-75% 18-25 26-50% 15-17

13 BDEFS Self-Regulation of Emotions Scale
Emotional self-control a two stage process: Stage 1 = inhibiting strong emotional reactions to events Stage 2 = Employing self-regulatory actions or strategies If we experience deficits in these two components of emotional self-control, it will lead us to express our emotions impulsively.

14 Emotional Self-Control as a Two Stage Process
Stage 1 = inhibiting strong emotional reactions to events Stage 2 = Employing self-regulatory actions or strategies a) self-soothing strategies b) re-focusing attention away from the source, c) strategies to reduce or modulate initial emotion, d) organizing our emotional expression in a way that is consistent with our individual goals and long-term welfare

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