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Transformations and Congruence

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Presentation on theme: "Transformations and Congruence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformations and Congruence
Opening routine Midpoint of a segment The endpoint A of a line segment AB is located in (2, 5) and the midpoint M is in (5, 1). Find the coordinates of the endpoint B.

2 Topic I: Transformations and Congruence

3 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Objective: Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc. Essential Question: How is measuring an angle similar to and different from measuring a line segment?

4 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Vocabulary

5 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Construct a copy of one angle

6 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

7 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

8 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

9 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

10 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

11 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

12 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

13 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

14 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Construct an angle bisector

15 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector

16 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector YOU DO - Independent Practice Worksheet Pages 19 and 20

17 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Homework Complete Worksheet Pages 19 and 20

18 Transformations and Congruence
Angle measure and angle bisector Closure Essential Question: How is measuring an angle similar to and different from measuring a line segment?

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