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ASSESSMENT OF IONIZING RADIATION AND RADIATION PROTECTION AWARENESS AMONG ANESTHESIA, RADIOLOGY AND OPERATING ROOM SERVICES DEPARTMENT STUDENTS: A QUESTIONNAIRE STUDY Duygu TUNÇMAN GENÇ 1, Özlem YOLDAŞ2, Fırat ÖZCAN3, Burçak YAVUZ4 1 Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Vocational School of Health Science, Radiotherapy Department, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Vocational School of Health Science,Operating Room Services Department,Istanbul, Turkey 3 Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Vocational School of Health Science, Opticianry Department,Istanbul, Turkey 4 Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Vocational School of Health Science, Electroneurophysiology Department,Istanbul, Turkey ( corresponding author) PURPOSE This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of the effects of ionizing radiation and radiation protection among anesthesia, radiology and operating room services students who will work in the operating room. BACKGROUND The use of ionizing radiation in medicine is increasing day by day. Not only in the radiology and oncology departments, but also in the operating room, radiation emiting devices are used. For this reason technicians working in the operating room need to know the radiation protection well. MATERIAL AND METHOT The study consisted of a survey. The survey was conducted among anesthesia, radiology and operating room services students at Altınbaş University, Vocational School of Health Science. The questionnare, consisting of 28 questions in multiple – choice format , were adminestered to 160 students. Data were collected from February 2017 to May Participants were asked about the knowledge of ionizing radiation effects, the annual dose from occupational irradiation and knowledge of the radiation used in the operating room and radiation protection. The analyses were performed using IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics software version 23.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). A p value less than 0,5 was considered to be important. RESULT CONCLUSION Radiological investigations are essential part of operating room applications. But nearly all of anesthesia and operating room services students didn’t attend any radiation protection course. Thus, anesthesia and operating room services students do not trust themself about radiation protection. But they are aware that radiation knowledge will be useful in their professional lives. According to results of this study, operating room services student’s level of awareness about the ionizing radiation and radiation protection is unsatisfactory. Courses on radiation risks and protection should be provided to operating room services students during and after their formal education. Thus, this student’s course curriculum was changed and “ Radiation Protection in Operating Room “course was added in course curriculum.

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